How accurate
is The Bible? How thorough, direct, literal and how true?
Maybe just as much as it needs to be, to accomplish the task at hand? People
will often refer to specific lines of the bible in attempt to discredit its
validity, assuming its description should be 100% direct, thorough, literal,
and distinguished. Would this be realistically practical for the Bible? In
order for the Bible to be completely thorough and accurate, I would think there
would end up being 100+ times the quantity of literacy in order to completely
accurately and thoroughly describe every situation, scenario, and occurrence,
as well as every intended lesson to be imparted which is described. As far as I
know, there were many more scriptures eligible for the Bible but which were
sorted through and reduced. It seems it would simply be impractical to include
all potential elements, as the quantity would be excessive, making it much more
difficult to translate and reproduce. It would also make the task of reading
the Bible seem even much more daunting than it already is, as well as time
consuming to complete. Therefore, it seems apparent the Bible is not 100% thorough,
but more summarized and generalized.
This doesn’t necessarily mean it is not 100% true. Something can easily still be completely true, even if every aspect and element of the account is not described to an absolute specific. So, in the scenario where something is true but generalized, some individual discretion is required for effective interpretation. By deductive reasoning, The Bible is not completely thorough, but could potentially still be true, with the requirement of interpretation. Many variables can come into play regarding interpretation, considering the context of the specific scenario being described, the customs, culture, rules, and regulations of the location and time period, and accuracy of vocabulary used –including translation. Considering the amount of variables -and potential drastic misinterpretation, as a result of misunderstanding even a small variable, to a small degree-, comprehending and accurately understanding the Bible could therein likely be a difficult and challenging process. Within the task of interpreting meaning, come the additional variables of literalness and directness to be deciphered and assumed, by method of regarding the context. With such a significant and theoretically-regarded influential element of life, the margin for mistake in interpretation would be potentially dangerous, which seems to have been proven repeatedly in the past –as well as occurring presently-, by mislead, off-track “Christians”.
So before
believing someone who claims there’s a contradiction based on 2 separate
specific lines of text they found, and before altering your life after reading
about a rule in 1 specific circumstance, take into consideration the
interpretation needed for understanding something as complex as The Bible.