Sunday, 30 July 2017

The Side of Pride in Hide

Is being proud a sin? Is it morally wrong to be proud?
Firstly, I’ll try to understand what pride is. To be proud of something –as I figure- is to feel happy, and impressed, and satisfied, and hold great value to, and think important of something attributed to an individual.  If you’re dealing with the technical description of pride, perhaps that would be close. Using that perspective of the term “pride”, there seems to be little to no negative attribute to pride. But, sometimes alternatively to a technicality, there is reality. The description of a term in reality is only what that term is interpreted as, by whoever is relevant. So, as my best guess of the interpretation of the term, in relation to who is relevant, the specific description of pride also adds an additional attribute with a more distinctive connotation. In my best guess, the additional connotation to pride from common perception would be holding greater value to something attributed to that individual, than others.

Its my theory that this aspect of holding greater value to a personal tribute, than the equivalent tribute potentially of others, is what brings the negative aspect to pride. In regards to being a sin, this makes sense, considering –at least by my understanding- the most general and vastly applicable condition God wants us to live by, is basically to love others as you love yourself, or in an alternate understandable perspective, hold equivalent great value to all as you do for yourself. Therefore being proud would be in violation of this condition, by considering ones personal possession or essence of being, of greater value than others.

That being from a religious perspective, and to try to understand it fairly from all perspectives –as I try to do for the sake of open-mindedness, and indiscriminateness- there is also the view of someone non-religious, which from all my findings and experiences, always seems to be virtually equivalent in concluding meaning and understanding.

In that regard, being morally wrong (or for purpose of attempted… simplicity of my understanding of what morality means; doing something with an unnecessarily, universally negative impact), considering yourself (or something personally regarded as yours) to be more valuable than someone else, is unfair, unjust ideology, and therefore morally wrong.

This can also be understood from an even less specific and more universally applicable perspective (which is often what I aim for in an attempt for complete equivalent consideration of perceiver), by trying to view the key values and aspects of what is in question, in a less specific manor. And in that regard, any alternate unknown variable value (someone else) should be theoretically equivalent from a completely unbiased perspective. Therefore, pride would be a mathematically intellectual inaccuracy (in robot terms).

So in conclusion, as I just worked out to understand myself, being proud seems to legitimately have negative connotation from all perspectives, when considering pride as the commonly perceived term, of holding greater value to ones own, than others.

Friday, 28 July 2017


Judging someone is typically considered to be a bad thing. But I wonder; is it to all extents and if not, to what degree? The 1st thing to understand might be what judging specifically is, exactly. I suppose one way to describe it would be; making a determination of the value of someone or something, to a rated degree of positive or negative. When stereotypically judging someone, the variable being judged is the individual themselves. Alternatively, more reasonably and realistically, the variable to be judged could be the action or presentation.

It seems fair to have an opinionated valuation of the degree of negativity of an action, as certain actions are fairly accurately distinguishable for having a negative impact or effect on either the variable performing the action, or the alternate variables effected by the action (whether intended to be effected or not). Therefore, the value of that action could be considered negative. All differing types of actions would have a different degree of potentially acceptable and understandable negativity valuation, and each type of action would also differ depending on the specific circumstances and minor variable differences. Actions on the higher degree of obvious negativity (often including actions with the negative attribute agreed upon by the performer) should therefore be more fairly accepted as a theoretically, conclusively, judged negative action. These actions could theoretically be considered universally incorrect (if correctness is understood as being beneficial). Potentially some aspects that may be judged upon another are based on personal opinion and preference. Therefore, to make a definitive evaluation these aspects that are opinionated and respectively indefinite, is illogical.

Even though theoretically some actions, which are to higher degree of acceptably, regarded negative value, the individual themselves performing the action should not be held definitively accountable to be valued negatively in respect to their action, in all seemingly fairness. An action itself can be commonly interpreted as being definitive, considering the outline of the action from beginning to end, as well as all potentially minor variables effecting the action, are typically, generally graspable and regardable. Whereas on the other hand, the individual performing the action cannot be seemingly definitive, considering the profoundly vast and various aspects and variables relating to the individual, are too complex to grasp or ultimately understand (for humans). This is why, logically; no definite valuation of another person should be made.
In conclusion,,, don’t judge!
May 10, 2015

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Mind Bind

The bind of the mind is being contained by the natural reaction part of the brain that just reacts without comprehension or decision based on analyzed factors. This bind of our natural instincts causes people to do things based on minimal to no consideration of details of factors affecting and affected by the outcome of a choice. This can cause chain reactions of one mind to the next in a bind of many minds, in a way such as one or some people choosing an action will influence the rest to act the same.

It is animals natural instinct to react in unison with likewise situated co-species’ in a mind bind. Imagine a heard of antelope grazing in a field. Then one starts to run. It is the natural instinct for all the antelope to follow, as subconscious reaction has developed to act this way based on past instances where the one spotted a predator. The antelope are in a mind-bind together and react as the others do. This is beneficial in most cases with minimal complexity of scenarios and situations in which animals live. But humans don’t have such simple lives with simple scenarios with simple decisions. Human life has been brought into great complexity from society, technology, community and civilization, and requires more complex mindfulness.

But people often act the same way, when a lack of conscious consideration is present, which will happen at times to everyone, but of course more significantly and more often with some people. This can be seen in specific groups which have been formed by common interest, where some of the group will do something, and the rest will follow, in perhaps a degree of blind trust. And mind binds can also happen with general indistinct selections of people, depending on who is easily influenced, and easy to react with a lack of reasoning and consideration. This sort of person can be influenced and therein bound by vastly varying elements of action, depending on what element is being exposed to the person in order to be influenced. In a simple case of; run or die, as in the antelope situation, it can be beneficial, such as perhaps in a crowd of people, someone runs after hearing a terrorist bomb threat, so others run as well.

 A grouped mind-bind can be time efficient –with the reduced time of each making a decision- but is more probable to be inefficient in effectivity and accuracy. The fewer results there are, the less accurate the overall average results will be. So, the fewer individual decisions made -based on conscious consideration- the less accurate the overall decision will be, and therefore less likely to be correct.

As a more complex societal scenario example, people can be accumulately influenced to join a negative causing mind-bind like the Nazis. Each individual linked into the mind-bind with a lack of conscious consideration of all the affecting factors in the situation. It was perhaps a more complex mind-bind, with extensive effort put into influence, in order to grasp an increased amount of minds in the bind, by manipulating elements which would influence a deeper degree of potential conscious consideration. But, still an example of a dangerous mind bind and the lack of correctness which can result in the complexity of human society.

With modern technology and networking, there is an increased risk of potential mind bind. Considering the capabilities of speed, and quantity of connections of communication, using todays technology, the potential effects of a mind-bind are significantly increased, and therefore the risk as well. So if you don’t want to be a mindless tool used to destroy the world, UN-bind your mind!

Monday, 10 July 2017

Calculative Decisions

Your brain has a calculator function. You’re probably unaware of this function, specifically, but you use it every day (assuming you’re not brain dead), and the capabilities of this function are far beyond any artificially produced calculator! You probably think to yourself; well that cant be true. My calculator can do massive, complex numerical calculations instantly and my brain can’t even compare. This may be partially true, as the conscious part of your brain really can’t do such vast numerical calculations so quickly, but your brain does much more complex equations than the basic distinct numerical values that your artificial calculator does.

An organic lively brain can take in such an immense variety of variables for a calculation, that a store bought calculator seems like a useless toy in comparison. Every time you make a decision, you are theoretically solving a complex equation involving a large quantity of variables, each with a value to a degree that is very difficult to distinguish.  Of course your organic calculator isn’t exceptionally accurate –except perhaps, arguably, in the rare case of a high functioning genius- which is why you often make mistakes or regrettable decisions. But inaccurate calculations should be expected when there’s such a vast expanse of variables to estimate the value of. In any science or mathematical operation, with imprecise values of variables, come imprecise values of answers. In practice of these calculations within regular life; the variables are anything relevantly influencing the ultimate effect of the outcome of the decision. The value of these variables is how likely they are to influence the outcome, as well as the degree that it influences. The result to the calculation is the option presented within the decision, which has the (typically indistinct) highest probability of being most beneficial.  These complicated calculations can be done by “dumb” animals, just as by humans.

Animals do the calculations subconsciously, without knowing they’re doing it, while humans (at least some of the time) do the calculation consciously, being aware that a decision is being made. The relevant advantage of the human brain is of course the capability to make an intellectual decision, rather than the -understandably considered- inferior typical animals brain, acting on pure instinct, without awarefully analysing the situation, and general variables present. The particular mechanism used within a brain, (which makes the distinguishment of the value -of the potentially large quantity of variables-) determines whether the choice ultimately made, is a conscious intellectual decision, or a subconscious instinctual action. This humanly unique capability of conscious awareness is theoretically what has given us such an advantage in life, allowing such dominance, expansion, and reign. The capability to consciously analyze any situation, and calculate a decision based on relative valuations, seems to have proven throughout the history of Earth, to be effectively more accurate, and in turn beneficial. At least self-servingly short term…