Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Consciousness of the universe

Consciousness of the universe
If consciousness is the ability to overwrite natural, typical reactions, then is God the consciousness of the universe?

If God alters what would be the natural reaction, to cause a preferred outcome, is that the conceptual equivalent to human consciousness altering natural instinctual or subconscious reactions, by means of accuracy of prediction of beneficial outcome?

Monday, 18 June 2018

Cause of Origin

The epitome of logic, and therein the significant unique advantage of humanity by use of intellect, is “cause and effect”. With the comprehension of cause and effect, comes the understanding of how and why things occur. With this knowledge of function, comes the advantage to alter factors of the cause, in order for the effect to be the preferred outcome.

Comprehension of cause and effect is the method of all logical problem solving, and in order to implement this method, the cause of origin needs to be discovered. Any time a problem arises, if the cause of origin can be determined, then it is likely that the cause can be altered to solve the problem. This applies to any general indistinct circumstances throughout life. If it is a specific problem, related to certain circumstances, it will have a specific cause of origin. If the problem is more generalised, then the cause of origin will be more generalised.

How is the cause of origin determined?
With a general problem comes a complex scenario and numerous potential causes of the problematic effect. All specific scenarios involving the general probematic effect should be analysed, to find the common denominators. The common denominators which are involved in the problem scenarios, but not scenarios without a problem result, are likely to be the cause of the general problem. That common cause can then be analysed for a cause of that cause.

Any given occurrence can be considered to be a cause or effect, relative to its context, since virtually everything has been caused by something previous. So when regarding anything as an effect, the cause of that effect can be determined, but that effect can also be considered for its cause of another effect. Once any cause is determined, there is also potential causes of that cause, so the cause of origin should be determined relevant to the context of the effect. The relevancy (relative to the overall problematic effect) of any given specific cause (within a set of causes and effects) can be determined by whether or not its effect alters the overall outcome.

For eg. if the overall problem is that a line of dominoes does not finish to knock over the final domino, the specific cause of the effect of each domino which is not knocked down, is that the previous domino did not knock it down. Each domino has a specific individual cause and effect. Each domino can be analysed, but the only domino relevant to the overall problem, is the one that alters the overall outcome. The cause and effect of each standing domino is not relevant, except for the 1 domino that had a different cause of its effect, being the 1 standing domino with the previous domino that fell. The overall problem is affected by that specific effect, and the cause of that effect, being the previous fallen domino missed hitting it. That 1 specific cause, within a chain of causes and effects, is the cause of origin of the overall problem.