What are the causes and effects of a disproportionate society?
In, what seems like typical society, there is a fairly uneven distribution of wealth, resources, and power. Wealth is basically the same as power, or ownership and control of resources, as money is what buys resources, and money buys control over others. So if it mostly comes down to money, what causes so much more money to end up in the hands of a few, compared to so little money in the hands of many?
With money, comes ease of making more money, by ability to purchase assets for more efficient methods of making profit. With this exponential increase of wealth, comes certain individuals who continue to increase income. Others, putting all their time into climbing or staying out of debt, never get out of the ditch, in order to redirect their profit onto that upward curve.
But for those on the steady incline, once the point is reached for practical self sufficiency, wouldn’t it seem logical to redistribute the excess wealth to benefit others? The problem is, with the instinct of self survival, comes the societal interaction of selfishness. Considering humans as generally selfish, once someone starts making a decent amount of money, instincts drive them to keep all possible resources for themselves. Even when more than enough resources are available for sufficient survival, short term instinct still pushes them to keep collecting more and more and more.
If this instinct could be overpowered, by say rational conscious comprehension, the concept of redistribution could cause a significant change. By logical evaluation, this would add significantly more value overall to society, since any quantity of money beyond that point, adds little to no practical or conventional benefit to the individual, yet could make a profound impact to someone at the bottom of, or nearly to the brim of, the ditch.
For eg. a fast food franchise owner, in a city of 200 000 people, makes 1 million $ profit, per year, after using profits to streamline efficiency and replicate locations. In typical society, this person can continue keeping that $1 million per year, to spend on daily $50 dinners, weekly $1000 shopping sprees, monthly $5000 maintenance costs on a summer house, bi-monthly $20 000 vacations, and various purchases of $100 000 cars or $2000 paintings.
But with rational comprehension and perspectual consideration, the franchise owner could instead live in a comfortable sized house with efficient maintenance + utilities for $300/month, use a functional $15 000 fuel efficient vehicle (or $1000 bike:), and buy healthy nutritious $10 meals, experiencing down-to-Earth, functional, authentic comfort. With the additional $980 000 per year, left over, it could be redistributed to society. Say $10 000 redistributed to 98 people, which could each use it, to make a profound enough upholster to their economic state, that they could climb out of that ditch, and hitch onto that towing incline curve.
Rather than that 1 person, buying a glaring appearance over the rest, and increasing a feeling of superiority, 98 people per year could permanently reach their way out of constant stress, and the majority of their life time spent working a boring repetitive, or gossipful job, to afford rent.