How do we prioritize actions to take in general life?
Throughout general life, there can be a few trillion or so potential actions we could take, so what drives the priority, for our main motivations?
This relates back to the “Equation of Action”, which often depends on whether the route of action is being taken by result of instinct, subconscious reaction, or conscious consideration.
When subconscious is used constantly to prioritize, then we will take the action of whatever is presently triggering our feedback. Actions will always be prioritized by what is temporarily pressing, and signaling feedback triggers in mind, that something should be avoided or pursued. Since subconscious only deals with simple circumstances and simple memories, it wont make the connection of the concept of the future, and future important factors.
Considering what will occur further in the future, takes a few concepts of cause and effect to be understood, and accessed as memory. It takes the complexity of conscious analysis. When you access enough details of memories, that you understand the cause and effect of one action to another, and therefore future impacts of current actions, then you’re using conscious thought, rather than subconscious. If conscious comprehension can make the connections to future events occurring, which will be relevant and important, this can significantly change the priority of action in the present.
For eg. the subconscious might prioritize eating sugary food, because that food is available, and there is positive feedback in the brain, as a reward to eating sugar. But with conscious analysis, exercise might be prioritized, because of the understanding of the future connections of concepts, and that you will be healthier and happier longer term.
So if we allow our priority of actions to be ordered by subconscious, on a daily basis, we may achieve temporary positivity, but those gains are only calculated to be short term. With the complicated world of today, if we want longer lasting, more sustainable positivity, we need to use conscious analysis to prioritize our actions. This is likely to cause longer positive gain individually, but would also allow comprehension and therein action toward wider spread positive gain for society, or community, or the entire planet.
Deep conscious analysis doesn’t have to be done constantly to keep an effective priority of actions, just repeated periodically enough to overview actions which are being taken throughout daily life. At those periods of conscious analysis, re-evaluation of actions can set the prioritization until the next time of conscious consideration. As long as the conscious reprioritization is repeated often enough, it should set the standard, and regulation for the times in between, when subconscious is the director of action. Your subconscious wont remember the details or reasons why your conscious analysis set these priorities, but you subconscious will still remember the general circumstances of your new standards for priority. That's all it takes for subconscious, to be redirected after enough repetition.