What are the advantages of freedom of choice + action?
How much liberty is effective?
Continuing on the concept from my attempted distinguishment of effective regulations, in my post: “Reduction by Regulation”, freedom of choice can have it’s benefits, but should still be restricted to some degree, in the context of an effective society. It makes sense to have regulations to restrict the freedom of choice which will cause a reduction of the enjoyment of others (to a relevant proportion), but that restriction should be focused on the direct cause of the negative result, rather than generalizing the restriction for actions which only have a [potential] to allow a consecutive action that causes the problem.
It seems rational that freedom of choice should be maximized to those actions which only have potential for allowing a consecutive negative action, so that people are able to enjoy the liberty of taking those actions, in circumstances where they do not take the additional negative action. This maximization allows a wider range of actions for people to enjoy, therefore increasing the overall enjoyment.
With this extended freedom to take actions with some risk, or which are nearing the point of taking a consecutive negative action, an additional benefit would be the ability for individuals to learn. With more options of action, someone can learn physical and mental skills to deal with that scenario. In contrast, if someone lives in a “safety bubble”, they never gain physical skills to perform tasks, which would likely make their life more enjoyable for themselves in the future, and would also allow the potential to achieve more accomplishments, contributing to society (and therein enjoyment of others). Also, if the ability to mentally cope with situations involving risk or negative results, is never learned, then a future circumstance of negative results is more likely to cause trauma or other mental damage.
Besides physical and mental coping skills, there is also intellectual knowledge to be gained from a broader aspect enabled by freedom of actions + decisions. With the freedom to take more actions and make more decisions, someone can learn independently and effectively, the concepts of cause and effect which are involved. When taking any action in life, someone has the opportunity to personally observe the effects caused by the action they took. With any decision, they have the chance to take into account the resulting influence that their choice made. Understanding cause and effect, is just about the epitome of intellect, and increases accuracy of future predictions, and therefore accuracy of ability to intentionally cause preferable resulting effects. The concepts learned through independent trial, can be carried to other scenarios in the future, which involve variables that are relatable to the relevant cause and effect. Taking this into consideration, it seems profoundly valuable to have the opportunity to intellectually learn various concepts of cause and effect, which are relative to actions and decisions that are inherently available from increased freedom.
Besides physical and mental coping skills, there is also intellectual knowledge to be gained from a broader aspect enabled by freedom of actions + decisions. With the freedom to take more actions and make more decisions, someone can learn independently and effectively, the concepts of cause and effect which are involved. When taking any action in life, someone has the opportunity to personally observe the effects caused by the action they took. With any decision, they have the chance to take into account the resulting influence that their choice made. Understanding cause and effect, is just about the epitome of intellect, and increases accuracy of future predictions, and therefore accuracy of ability to intentionally cause preferable resulting effects. The concepts learned through independent trial, can be carried to other scenarios in the future, which involve variables that are relatable to the relevant cause and effect. Taking this into consideration, it seems profoundly valuable to have the opportunity to intellectually learn various concepts of cause and effect, which are relative to actions and decisions that are inherently available from increased freedom.
If a lack of liberty is taken in society, with a world of reduced allowance of actions, trends are built into people to perform an action or decision, solely on the prospect that they were told to, or that it is normal. With a habit of simply following orders or copying others, comes the lack of independent comprehension of reasoning, and the likeliness to blindly follow a negative commonality, simply because that is how the individual has been conditioned to function.
Besides the increased optionality of enjoyment of additional activities, freedom of choice seems to have significant benefits of; potential to learn valuable physical and mental skills, as well as gain intellectual comprehension crucial to progression. The concept of additional allowance to be free, is a freebie.