What makes something an accomplishment? What causes accomplishment? What effects are there?
A simple way to describe accomplishment might be; achieving something which is desired. Virtually anything could be considered an accomplishment, if someone caused, and wanted it to happen. It is based on the context of any scenario and an individuals’ subjective perspective. Accomplishment can happen by accident, even if the individual didn't intend for it to occur, as long as they caused it, and consider the result to be something they prefer. But the more common method of accomplishment, through causation, would be by intention.
With intention, comes goal-setting for what is intended in any context or general scenario. Goal-setting seems it would be the main cause and “accomplice” of accomplishment. Quantity of accomplishment should generally be relative to the quantity of goals set. Without goals to drive motivation, accomplishments will only be by fluke, and very rare comparatively. Motivation is a key component, which despite seemingly being sparked by instinct, can still be consciously oriented through understanding, as I further hypothesized in a post from 10 months ago; Motivation Direction.
If more of a quantity of goals are set, there may be more failures, but also more probability for accomplishments, through motivation. If quality or probability of accomplishment is preferred, fewer goals can be set for focus, or smaller steps of accomplishment can be made toward a larger goal, but few will still no doubt result in more accomplishments, than none. This should apply to various contexts, whether it's an individual, group, or an entire species.
Accomplishments can be distinct with an outlined specified goal, or gradual from degrees of a goal succeeded. For eg, someone can set a distinct goal of losing 20lbs, or a gradual goal of improving health, with degrees of accomplishment through every minor improvement of exercise or eating healthy. On a large scale, there can be an agreed upon goal for any number of individuals in any separate locations, who have never even met. Yet still, there can be a group accomplishment for all who make any degree of contribution toward the intention. For eg, millions of people can individually have the mutual gradual goal of reducing pollution, and can all make a degree of accomplishment through individual contribution.
The objective effects of accomplishment, whether small or large, would be mainly mental. The positive reinforcement (as I further described the mechanics of, in a post from 7 months ago; Reinforcement Mechanisms) would have the effect of appeal, satisfaction, and likely motivation for more accomplishments. Subjectively, based on the particular accomplishment, it could have the effect of benefit for others and or allow for more future potential.
It seems it should be pretty basic, that to achieve success, it should be much more probable through motivation and an intended direction. Whether it's an individual with a specific distinct intention, or many contributors causing gradual mutual achievement, the effects are likely to be satisfactory. Though it can be a subjective concept (as many concepts are), at least in context, initiative of goal-setting seems to be the main; Accomplice of Accomplishment.