Friday, 12 January 2024

Principle Principle

What is included in being considered to be someone's principles, and what exceptions could there be?

A basic summary of “principles” could be; a set of beliefs about methods of living and interacting with others, which someone follows. By this understanding of the concept of principles, most people have them, as long as they follow generic methods which they believe in. This concept can apply to a very wide range of structures for someone to base their decisions and actions on throughout life. Some people could potentially have very few or even no principles, if they either don't know what they believe, or dont care, but generally most people do. 

The typical interpretation of the concept of principles is more commonly; a belief in actions based on morals, but technically, principles could be regardless of morals, or even in opposition. I further distinguished aspects of morals in a post from 4+ yrs ago; Moral Mess, basically outlining morals as based on instinctual reinforcement, and can be difficult to accurately determine applicability in many situations. 

So regardless of moral beliefs, the fundamental requirements for someone to have principles, are they believe in it, and follow it. Both of these requirements don't necessarily have to be 100% of scenarios, but in order to fit the concept of principles, should be overall the majority of the time. The person should generally and mostly believe that acting or reacting in a certain way is better from their perspective. There could be a few instances where the individual changes their perspective from believing the principle is best, as long as they mostly believe it. For eg, someone might have the principle that getting revenge is bad, but for a few hrs might change that perspective if they watch a movie where someone getting revenge seems beneficial. But if they change their perspective back again, after thinking it through, that revenge causes more harm and potential continued retaliation, then they still hold the overall principle. 

The same occasional exception applies to the requirement of following the belief, since there could be a few circumstances where they still believe it is best, but falter from following the principle. As long as they mostly do and mostly try to follow it, it should still be considered a general principle. For example someone might believe the principle that violence is bad, but might falter from following the rule on an occasion where they are very angry and someone pushes them intentionally. They could still have the principle, just fail to follow it, in a moment where emotions are controlling their mind more than conscious decisions. 

Besides occasionally changing perspective of belief, or failing to follow a principle, there can also be many detailed circumstances that might apply differently for any overall principle. There could be exceptions included in their belief to a certain principle, based on certain factors involved. This would basically be getting into specific details of their belief and principle, but would not really be faltering from following or believing in the principle. For eg, someone could have the overall principle of not lying, but might believe there are certain circumstances, such as if lying would save someone's life, where they believe there should be an exception to the overall rule. Many detailed circumstances might not even be known by the individual for whether or not they believe there should be an exception to the rule, since there is virtually an infinite potential of combinations of factors in this complex modern world. 

Thought experiments of hypothetical scenarios can be helpful for someone to distinguish their principles to more accurate degrees, for a wider variety of potential detailed circumstances. Considering hypothetical scenarios allows someone to consciously decide what they believe is best, based on many scenarios. This can be helpful since if a similar situation comes up in real life, they would be much more likely to make the decision or reaction which is more beneficial according to their personal conscious thoughts. Many scenarios can have a lot of pressure to react or decide, which can cause someone to quickly react based on instinct or subconscious, which is much less effective than conscious thought, at distinguishing beneficial outcomes of the more complex scenarios of modern day life and society.  

Overall, the concept of principles is commonly interpreted as being based on morality, but could also have other bases. Someone could rarely change their mind on a belief of a principle, or fail to follow it (despite believing it), as long as they mostly believe and follow. There may be many detailed circumstances in this complex world, of a generic principle, where an individual could make an exception, but overall following a set of beliefs, is the Principle Principle.

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Animals’ sign-of-akin's Significance

How significant are animals?

Animals seem to be quite significant to exist in the 1st place as a being that can reproduce, and move and interact with its environment. Animals use instinct as their default triggers to react to vague factors in a way that has proven to be the most effective reaction to survive or reproduce for their species (as further described in a post; Instinctivity). Instinct also is the genetic preset for reinforcement triggers in order to use subconscious memory to develop new reactions based on the environment (as further described in a post; Subconscious Subjection). For (most) animals to have developed these abilities by evolving from something not living in the 1st place is amazing. So animals' existence is very significant, but what about their experience and perception?

To try to understand animal experience, we can try to compare and relate to human experience. Humans have the same abilities and basic function of instinct and subconscious memory, so there are a lot of similarities (which makes sense since humans are animals, and evolved from them). The big difference is we have consciousness, and part of the difficulty of trying to think of how all other animals think and experience life, is that you are using conscious thought to try to understand it (as well as trying to understand anything). To intentionally and knowingly try to think of or understand anything, is to use conscious memory access (as further described in a post; Conscious Comprehension), which all other animals cannot do. 

Humans do have subconscious experiences regularly, but when those experiences lack conscious awareness, that person cannot later consciously access those memories (perhaps with some exceptions) of subconscious experience. There are degrees to conscious awareness though, so there are times when anyone has an experience in between subconscious and conscious awareness, and this could be 1 way to relate somewhat to what an animal experiences. Any time someone is dreaming, they are in a subconscious experience, since there is no conscious decision making, or awareness, or memory of the experience in general. If you can remember dreams at times, that is 1 exception with minimal conscious memory of subconscious experience, but as you likely know, those memories are rare, and fleetingly difficult to retain. Lucid dreams are an example of in between, where someone can be aware that they are dreaming, but these are very rare, and difficult to stay either aware or asleep. Being very drunk or very tired and or paying no attention to surroundings are other subconscious experiences humans have. 

Basically, animals experience life similar to those examples which humans occasionally experience, where they have no conscious memory of what happened recently, how they got where they are (similar to a dream), and don't even question or wonder anything at all. Animals simply react to their environment and body, and never consider or decide to do anything. In my last post; Significance of Our Significance, I considered animals to seem insignificant and meaningless. This was referring to their experience, because of this basic (compared to human’s) reactionary system. If you went through life in a dreamlike state of not being aware and not remembering anything in connection to anything else, would that be meaningful?

But this doesn't mean that animals' experiences are totally insignificant. Just as humans have experiences of mostly subconscious with bits of conscious neural connection between factors, there's a good chance some animals experience this as well. The smartest of animals (besides humans) do seem to have occasions where they might be making minimal conscious connections in their experiences, such as examples of problem solving, and communication (with more than 1 factor involved). 

So regarding animal existence in general with capabilities of interaction, it does seem to be very significant. When considering their experience, their lack of awareness and connection in memory seems to be insignificant. But those rare moments of some animals' ability to make a further step of potential comprehension (even if to a much lesser degree), is perhaps an Animals’ sign of akin Significance.

Sunday, 7 January 2024

Significance of Our Significance

What is the significance of our current time and existence?

To attempt to comprehend the significance of this world's current state, and your and my current experiences, it seems relevant to compare our current situation to history and the circumstances which existed throughout. To start with the basics of the significance of humanity, IMO, likely the most significant aspect of human existence is consciousness. Besides humans, there is likely no other being (other than God) that experiences consciousness regularly. Before human consciousness, there were likely only subconscious animals throughout all of history (of our solar system at least). Without consciousness, everything is occurring in more of a robotic way, of cause and effect, with no awareness or comprehension of anything. This seems very insignificant and meaningless from my perspective. 

Supposedly humans have been around  for about 300 000 yrs, which seems like a very long time. But animals have supposedly been around for about 800 millions yrs. So taking that into perspective, conscious beings have only existed for the last 0.0375% of time which any animals have existed. That's only about 3% of 1% of the total time that there has only been meaningless subconsciously reactive animals existing on Earth. It is very difficult to comprehend that amount of time where life has existed on this Earth with only animals and no comprehensive awareness. To be born and exist with the significance of consciousness within that small time frame, seems lucky. Though to be fair, there is the “observer's bias” to take into consideration, that the only way we can be capable of “observing” or comprehending our existence, is that we were born within that time frame (so far). But existing as a human with consciousness, is not the only significance we experience today. 

We live in a time with very convenient technology and information. Before technology, human life seems like it would have been a lot more difficult and uncomfortable, and have a much shorter life span. Most technology has only been around for the last 100 yrs. So the chances of being born within the last 100 yrs, rather than the previous 300 000 yrs would be nearly the same percent again, of 0.03% (though thats not including population increase). But perhaps more significant than comfortability and life span enabled by technology, is information. 

Before the capability of humans sharing information across the globe effectively, chances are, you would live with very little accurate knowledge of our planet, universe, other humans, and ideological structures. The Internet might be the most effective tool humans have developed for the allowance of widespread accurate information, and the internet has only existed for the last 50 yrs (less than today's average lifespan). Considering consciousness to be the most significant capability in the universe, using that consciousness to comprehend and be aware of many more significant aspects of this world (through information sharing) should be incredibly valuable. I think I’m only grasping this concept more so “significantly” now, as I write this out and become more acutely conscious of the factors (as is the case with most all concepts and philosophy). Information is a very valuable gift to utilize our most significant gift of consciousness, to understand and comprehend so many aspects of this world we live in. 

To top it off, we are now living in a time when perhaps the most significant invention ever, is being created: Artificial Intelligence. If consciousness is humans most significant capability, there's a good chance we are about to develop that capability artificially. To develop another being with the most significant capability, could be considered almost as significant as humans evolving in the 1st place. If AI is able to comprehend and be aware of things in general, it will also be functioning in a different method of neural activity, which will likely eventually give it profound advantages of speed and accuracy, with its benefit over us of artificial adaptability for neural network functionability. For us to be alive and witnessing the development of something potentially so significant that it could very well take control over the planet for the 1st time from humans (and perhaps make humans obsolete), is quite exceptionally significant. 

In all, for us to have the capability of conscious comprehension of our own existence in the 1st place, as a human out of all the potential subconscious animals, is likely more significant than we really appreciate. The potential that we could very well be witnessing the development of a new and more powerful conscious being for the 1st time in history as we know it, is another step. But for me to be writing this, or you to be reading this and comprehending such concepts, utilizing technology, internet, and previously learned ideological structures of science, psychology, values, and function of society, is perhaps a significant component of the significance of our significance.