Saturday, 27 April 2024

Short Form Conshift

How do the neurological processes function when conscious comprehension is shifted to subconscious memory as short form?

There are huge advantages to consciously considering scenario’s ahead of time in order to more likely cause a more effective subconscious reaction in the future, which involves the factors within the scenario, as I further pre-thought in my last post; Pre-Thought. But how does this process take place neurologically?

All throughout your life you transfer various thoughts and comprehension from conscious memory access to subconscious memory. Every time you learn something through awareness of an interaction, and later quickly and easily remember that concept without thinking of the details, your brain has utilized this process. I consciously comprehended how the neurological access functions in order to allow this process, in a post from 4+ yrs ago; Sub -Conscious Shift. Basically, when you are consciously aware of something, your brain is accessing the neural combinations for the factors involved (each as a micro neural combo), as well as a sequence of neural combinations of memory of the time period where changes to the factors take place as they interact (or cause an affect). 

I interpreted that when this neural combo transfers to subconscious (lack of awareness of interaction), the same basic large combination of neurons is accessed, representing memory of the factors and interaction, but neural access to the time period of interaction is skipped. So to dig deeper, what does the new subconscious neural combo consist of, and how can the interaction of factors be saved in subconscious memory without accessing memory of the time period where the factors interact and cause an effect of alteration to a factor (or factors)?

For the time period of interaction of factors to be saved in memory for the subconscious to access quickly, the interaction needs to be saved in short form. Regarding subconscious memory access to be only neurological combinations representing static factors, the neural combo of a time period (which was conscious thought), must be saved as a single factor as a new static neural combo. Words help significantly in this process, since a time period of an interaction can be saved with a label short form in memory representing a concept. Every person's brain that uses language and learning, utilizes this efficient short form process. 

For eg, the word “running” is saved after a person consciously comprehends the interaction of an animal (factor 1) and the time period of that animal moving across the ground (factor 2) using its legs. The label of running is then saved in the subconscious as 1 static factor, and can then be used in more macro neural combinations. The short form neural combo for the word which represents the concept (interaction of factors) can be saved in the subconscious as memory of the visual spelling of the word (audio may take a bit more time to access). You can then quickly subconsciously remember running as a single factor, or consciously consider what running is, by using that word saved in subconscious memory as a point form indicator to then access memories of the actual function and interaction of which the concept of running represents. 

Before language, learning things consciously was likely very slow and difficult. It would be difficult for the brain to save a concept involving an interaction as a static factor in the subconscious, without a word to use as a short form indicator as a neural combo. Any concept would also not be able to be taught to another individual without visually showing them, requiring each person to learn things slowly. 

In all, throughout the history of humanity, the brain has developed an amazing and efficient method of transferring conscious comprehension to subconscious memory (largely in partnership with language), by method of saving memory of the time period of an interaction of factors as a short form. This short form indicator saved in memory as a static neurological combination allows the brain to access a concept in memory very quickly, which otherwise takes much more time to consciously access memory of the interaction. This short form additionally still allows future comprehension of details of the interaction if required, for the individual to again understand more accurately how the concept might function. Con-sidering the con of con-sciousness is the slow pace, this process of shifting to quick subconscious memory is an excellent method for Short Form Conshift. 

Wednesday, 3 April 2024


Does pre-thinking and considering variables in life make a big difference? What aspects can it be applicable for?

Any time you come across an unexpected situation that you haven't dealt with before, there can be a lot of stress and pressure. Stress is a useful instinct to make an animal react quickly and often to avoid the situation, but our modern day society has far more complex variables than the environment that a lot of our emotions were perhaps developed for (as I further explained in a post; Update Pending: Subconsciousness). Since our environment became so complex as a result of human conscious thought, perhaps conscious thought is more suitable as a tool to be used in this environment. If you consciously consider variables that might come up in life, is it likely to change your reaction in a beneficial way for a pressuring situation? 

Once you understand the concept (and have consciously thought about it), it seems pretty obvious that conscious thought is generally more accurate and effective than subconscious reaction, since conscious thought allows analysis of variables and the causes and effects. So if thinking about a potential scenario consciously, is likely to perceive a more beneficial reaction for an individual, then it should follow that pre-thought would be more likely to cause that individual to result in that more beneficial reaction, if pre-thinking can alter future subconscious reactions. 

Thinking conscious thoughts, can shift those thoughts into subconscious reactions if the conscious thought is significant enough to trigger neurological positive reinforcement of which someone's subconscious reacts based on, or through repeated thought (as I further pre-thought in a previous post; Sub -Conscious Shift). So pre-thought can allow future quick subconscious reactions to follow the same route, but in what parts of life is this applicable?

The most widely applicable pre-thoughts would be considering generalized concepts which can apply to many varying scenarios. Some things you were taught from your parents or at school would very likely be examples of generalized concepts, such as; math, which can be applied to adding or subtracting any objects or quantities in life, or “don't be rude in public” can be applied to so many situations where someone ends up in public. Values and principles are other examples of widely applicable concepts (more detail in a recent post; Principle Principle) which can be very beneficial to pre-think. 

But many concepts and considerations are not typically taught which can still be very useful. How the mind functions is a good example, which can be applicable to basically every decision someone makes, and why someone themselves or others react in various ways. Almost every topic I’ve written about is not typically taught, yet most are applicable to some part of life or another (and so far it’s been over 270 topics, so there is a lot of potential for useful concepts to consider out there). Some potential topics for beneficial pre-thought are more narrow and less generally applicable, but a lot are very widely applicable, such as the concept of philosophy itself, in terms of considering new undefined aspects of life (or perhaps the concept of pre-thought ;) 

This general method of considering potentials ahead of time, isn’t only useful for generalized concepts, as any specific circumstances can be pre-considered, but simply is only applicable in fewer situations. More detailed situations for pre-thought can of course be applied more for individuals that know they are more likely to be in 1 of those scenarios, than others.

Overall, it does seem to be fairly significant to consider potential scenarios ahead of time to likely cause a much preferable decision and reaction for any individual when that scenario occurs in the future. This can be applied to specific circumstances if someone is more likely to be involved in that scenario, or can be more generalized to various degrees, using generalized concepts that apply to many differing situations throughout life, such as pre-thought of Pre-Thought.