Friday 12 May 2017

Conscious Conditioning

Is conscious conditioning plausible, or an oxymoron? If referring to the individual being conditioned, as the same individual which is conscious of the conditioning, at first this seems like it wouldn’t work since the individual is aware of the deliberate manipulation.

Firstly, the term conditioning should be understood in order to try to comprehend the whole concept of conscious conditioning. In this context, the meaning of the word conditioning is intended to be: having a regular subconscious reaction to a common factor. To be conditioned to a common factor, can mean the individual has a positive, negative, or neutral reaction. It is the fundamental function of the basic subconscious mind, as a simple intellectual process. The subconscious mind of people, as well as being the majorative (if not exclusive) mind function of most or all animals, is a simple, less accurate, but perhaps more time efficient, method of distinguishing differences in variables, and causing a reaction to the variables at hand. Basically, conditioning is causing a certain reaction from an individual, as a result of a common repeated scenario. The reaction can be a physical reaction, which would typically be a developed reflex, or more subtly muscle memory, created by a repeated scenario. But that reaction as a conditioned reaction is always created, caused and influenced by the minds interpretation of the reaction being positive or negative. The reaction can be feeling positive, happy, and joyful –typically caused by something beneficial to the individual to trigger instinctual positive reactions in the brain-, or negative, sad, and painful –typically caused by something harmful to the individual-. These subconscious reactions to scenarios of repeated variables are the basic method of intelligence, and inaccurate at distinguishing differences in variables within the repeated scenarios, but can theoretically be manipulated to the benefit of the individual by means of conscious control.

With conscious awareness of any specific scenario, the individual can distinguish far more accurate differences in variables, and be aware of minor differences which change the minds comprehension from positive to negative, or vice versa. This is the basics of conscious comprehension vs subconscious reaction, and when effectively understood, can theoretically be applied to not only make far more accurate and effective decisions using conscious comprehension, but also to condition subconscious reaction to have the preferred outcome.

This can be done by simply being consciously aware of a benefit to a scenario involving variables which your subconscious does not recognize and would typically have a negative reaction to, or being aware of the negative aspect of a scenario which your subconscious mind would inaccurately have a positive reaction to. By consciously distinguishing the more accurate perception of a potentially complex scenario repeatedly, as being positive or negative, your mind will receive that more accurate feedback of either negative or positive, and in the future will remember that influence, and be much more likely to make that more effective and accurately perceived reaction. Once your mind begins to have this reaction automatically, without the need for conscious comprehension, and accurate differential distinguishment, you have then consciously conditioned your subconscious. Theoretically, there could be no need to use subconscious thought, and therefore no need to condition it, if someone was to make all decisions consciously –and therefore more accurately-, but at this point of development of the human mind –at least as far as I’m aware- conscious comprehension and decision making takes a much longer time than subconscious reaction.

As an overview of conscious decision making in ratio to subconscious reaction, it seems most efficient to use conscious comprehension for decisions which seem important and significant, and subconscious reaction for lower priority and less meaningful scenarios. The significant advantage of conscious conditioning is you can consciously decide what is most beneficial for mostly every scenario, even those seemingly less important situations, and maneuver your subconscious reaction to be that beneficial option from that point on.

Conscious conditioning is virtually an optimal hybrid concept of the most efficient and effective application of mind processes.

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