Sunday, 28 January 2018

Conscious Comprehension (compilation update)

Conscious Summarization
The conscious experience of any particular thing (or circumstances), is by means of a combination of simultaneous memories being accessed. If the combination involves memories of the conscious object, in addition to the concepts of how that object interacts within its circumstances, the result is a conscious experience of that object. This causes an “aware” connection between the object and its presence.

The complex combination of related and relevant components, is what causes the significant result of consciousness. The inter-workings of a combination of many smaller components, creates something greater and more significant than the sum of its parts. That concept is observed to occur in many other circumstances in this universe (construction by smaller parts), so when considering consciousness, why think otherwise?

The specialty of humans, is the ability to further dissect memories (enabling more specific parts a memory to be referenced), and label memories with language (enabling more effective and precise reference of more memories). These abilities allow access to all the components of memories, which are required to understand the interaction or cause and effect, of that which the person is being conscious of. When a person accesses components of memories, which are relative to the interaction of a particular object, then they obtain a conscious experience of that thing (or things or concept(s)). This combination occurs as brain activity, because the neural activity regularly accesses a memory (coded as neurons), then related memories via commonly used neural pathways. These related memories commonly being accessed, results in the required combination, in the right circumstances.

So, if to be conscious, the required combination of components, is memory of a factor, plus memory of that factors interaction within its circumstances, then;
[Consciousness], = [memory of Factor] + [memory of Interaction of factor].
C = F + I

For eg. Bob is conscious of a squirrel on his lawn.
C = Bob being conscious
F = memory of the squirrel
I = memories of concepts of how that squirrel relates to its circumstances, such as:
the lawn which it is on, it being alive, being an animal, being brown, living on Earth, having a mind, its behavior, its motivations, its senses, the weather elements affecting it, etc.

So, when Bob has memories of the squirrel (F) + relative concepts (I), in his mind, at the same time, this combination of memories = Consciousness (C) of the squirrel.

If, C = self-consciousness
F = yourself
I = concepts relative to your self existence

If, C = General Consciousness (the more generalized feeling or sense of overall consciousness)
F = multiple factors in your current surroundings
I = concepts of how those various factors interact with each other and with additional related concepts

General consciousness feels more significant, because there are multiple factors, and more factors which are significant to the present situation. Whether memories of the factors, or concepts related to the interaction of factors, in general, the amount of memories, causes the amount of consciousness. More Concepts, More Conscious.

Consciousness involving active sensory perception, is more vivid because the factors of which the person is conscious of, are continuously being recorded as memories. With this active sensory input, the memories (of the factor) are continuously, immediately being accessed. The memories being accessed so quickly, causes accuracy and vividity.

From the occurrence of many insignificant, but related components, comes the construction of a few, but significant combinations.

Memory Mechanics of the Mind [1]
How does the mind work? Is it entirely, simply a process of accessing memories?
By my understanding, there’s 3 categories of mind processes: instinctive action, subconscious reaction, and conscious decision. Perhaps the best way to understand the method and mechanics of the mind, is to distinguish the function of each of these, relative to memory, starting with the more simple version.

A very basic form of a mind could be an insect's actions based mostly on instinct. An insect which lives in a very isolated and simple environment, would have very few functions of action. It would perhaps eat and reproduce. It would do these things instinctively, as their nervous system is preprogrammed with these functions from birth. Since instinctive actions are existent from birth, they are not gained memory. So it seems the 1st and simplest category of mind mechanics does not utilise memory access.

The 2nd category, being subconscious reaction, would be the method of mind function for most -if not all- animals on this planet. All animals would also have the basic instinctual preprogrammed actions, but subconscious reaction is used for varying circumstances of animals lives, to adapt to their surroundings and have more effective and accurate reactions to occurrences in their lives. This would be based on memory of the animals’ varying life circumstances. Their mind records memories, using whatever their unique use of senses may be. The memories are of varying life circumstances, which cause either positive or negative feedback (as more advanced brains likely developed for effectivity), relative to the severity of the feedback. The more severe of negative or positive feedback of a circumstance, the more profound and distinctly the memory is stored, to cause the animal to either avoid or pursue the circumstance in the future.

As the subconscious mind functions seem to be based entirely on memory access, perhaps the 3rd and most complicated category of mind mechanic is only a more advanced and in depth process. Consciousness and decision making seem to be commonly regarded as mysterious and unexplainable, but is it really much more than accessing memories?

This 3rd category is unique to the unparalleled (as far as we know) and profoundly dominant and overruling species on this planet, humans. Our dominance is likely a very good example of the efficiency and effectivity of this method of mind mechanic. Humans do use instinctive action and subconscious reaction throughout our lives, but those times of advanced mental processing are what set us apart. Rather than the mind reacting strictly based on memory of general, past, negative or positive feedback of circumstances, conscious decision making seems to allow us to actively sort through memories and extract notable specific details of cause of positive or negative outcome.

If subconscious reaction was used in any given scenario, the mind would simply refer to (theoretically) the most profound memory in resemblance to the current scenario, with the most severe feedback. It would then assume that memory is most relevant, and cause a reaction based on that memory and the degree of feedback -whether negative or positive. Considering conscious decision making in the same scenario, somebody would likely access a memory of a circumstance resembling the current one, then determine the causes of negative or positive feedback. To determine the cause and relevancy of the feedback, they would access memories of the method of function of the occurrence which caused the feedback. By accessing memories of the method of function of the circumstance, the mind is able to distinguish accurately which aspect of the occurrence caused which specific effects. This accurate memory access allows the mind to distinguish much more specific and detailed causes of positive or negative feedback, rather than the generalised memory of feedback, which the subconscious mind method uses.

If throughout the past, the mind developed to access more and more detail of memories, this could be the method by which humans developed “consciousness”. In perhaps most animals’ lives, accessing detail of memory wouldn’t necessarily be beneficial for survival, as it likely slows down the thought process. Perhaps speed outperforms accuracy for the majority of species of animals’ typical life circumstances. But maybe the lifestyle of apes caused accuracy to outperform speed of thought, allowing accuracy of detailed memory access to advance.

At a glance it seems like all advanced mind mechanics (beyond instinct) function by method of memory access.
Is it so simple, or might there be more to the complexity of consciousness?

Constructs of Consciousness [2]
Are the constructs of consciousness simply a more accurate method of memory mechanics?
Subconscious reactions of animals seem like a simple enough process of information storage in the mind. The senses of the animal constantly record circumstances while the animal is awake, then in any significant scenario which the animal experiences, there are additional brain signals triggered as positive or negative feedback, which are then stored with the sensory memory information. In a reoccurrence of similar variables, the sensory information of similar circumstances are sent to the brain, then with information resembling that of information already stored in the brain, the positive or negative feedback which was connected to that information saved from a past circumstance, is brought back to the brain. That feedback which is brought to the brain as a result of the connection to the past circumstance, causes the animal to react to the variables appropriately in the majority of situations, by making the animal either avoid or pursue the variables and scenario.

Human consciousness seems to be a more complex, effective, and accurate upgrade to subconscious. As a similar example to the explanation of subconsciousness, when a person comes across variables which resemble past circumstances recorded by the senses, any negative or positive feedback likely comes to mind, which was also recorded and connected to the information saved. The difference is, this time the brain accesses more specific and resembling information, which was less significantly triggered by feedback. This is done by the brain cycling through more past occurrences with resembling variables. With the accuracy to access saved information of more variables which were present in more scenarios, the brain can take the positive or negative feedback connected to those more accurate variables of circumstances. By recalling positive or negative feedback connected to more specific variables within a scenario, the mind can distinguish more accurately whether the overall scenario of all variables included, is positive or negative, and react correspondingly.

The gradual adaptation of the conscious mind from subconscious, would likely occur simply by the brain triggering information (and connected feedback) on more frequent occasions. The more times feedback (linked with sensory information) is sent to the brain, the more accurate that feedback will be based on new circumstances and relative sensory information.

This is a fairly simple version of consciousness and a generalised description. With more complex thoughts of a conscious mind, comes more cycles through the memory bank of information and relative connected feedback. Once many specific factors are distinguished to be positive or negative within many scenarios of circumstances, those accurate factors (with degree of positivity/negativity linked) are stored as information in the form of a memory itself, and used for more accurate evaluation of future circumstances which involve those stored factors.

Every time a memory of a factor is used in a new circumstance, the validity of the accuracy of information saved, regarding that variable, is reinforced. Information saved in the mind about a specific variable being positive in a scenario, will be reinforced to be positive if the variable is used in similar circumstances and the same positive result occurs. The information will then be saved more distinctly, and be more probable to be utilised the next time the factor occurs. A more complex and intelligent mind is built over time of numerous factors being saved as information by the senses, with greater accuracy to distinguish an overall positive or negative result based on application of the factors and their queued positivity or negativity.

Theoretically, the significant differential between subconscious and conscious awareness is memory circulation. Memory circulation allows the mind to access virtually and nearly any information saved. It might begin by the senses sending information to the brain. The method of information recall occurs based on the new sensory information. With sensitive enough triggering of accessing memory information, eventually the mind triggers the information based on a memory itself (potentially having a low severity of feedback). The mind brings back memories resembling the new information, then the brain uses that information (of memory) to again relate more saved information based on that recalled memory data (rather than new sensory data). Once memory data is accessed, based on memory information, which is accessed based on other memory information, this can be repeated virtually infinitely, to continue accessing any information stored in the brain, as memory circulation.

The brain can keep repeating this process of relating more accurate information of specific factors involved in the memory information, which is being recalled. If enough information of factors of memories is stored, the mind can continuously repeat this cycle of recalling information based on resembling factors, by using numerous connections of resemblances. Once the process of factor distinguishment -by method of recurring memory circulation- is multiplied significantly, access to a multitude of potential information is allowed, which can be used in any new circumstances involving any of those factors.

I suspect the feeling of “conscious awareness” is a result of a temporarily continuous memory circulation, involving information which is relevant to the current circumstances of which the individual is “consciously aware”. Current circumstances are sending new information to the mind via senses, and said new information, resembles information stored in the brain which is also being circulated through, by conscious memory circulation of past information saved.
“Self awareness” would be a more specific type of conscious awareness. Self awareness could likely be relative to the ability to hold a memory circulation involving enough concepts (and memory data of the details within the concepts), which are involved in, and relevant to, the fact that the individual itself exists.

In summary; once memory information data and relative feedback, are accessed by the brain commonly and sensitively enough, access can be triggered to occur by the memory information which is being accessed, itself. Once a circulation of information data access (based on data access), is created, that circulation can be processed repeatedly, to access any data in the mind, using resembling information connections in the saved data.

Theory of Thought [3]
Can all aspects of conscious thought be viable, using a method of memory access?
Conscious thought is perhaps often regarded as imagined words being processed and organised within the mind, in a manner relative to and representative of stimulation to the brain.

To break this down, the first variable in my definition, is imagined words. Are imagined words anything more than a memory of hearing or seeing that word, combined with a memory of the concept of which that word represents?
Most words come to mind as “second nature”, without consciously analysing which word is applicable for an intended meaning. The words themselves are memory, since they are only gained through life learning, but since they don’t require (Usually) conscious analysis, I would consider the type of mind process to be subconscious. This would be relative to words used commonly by the individual. Some words take more consideration and analysis of intended meaning, related to a vocabularic term, and some can even be forcefully adapted and constructed, regardless of exact common technicality (such as “vocabularic”:). This would be mostly conscious thought implemented in the case of consideration of vocabulary. But whether common or rare term, and whether conscious or subconscious mind method, both seem to use the process of memory.

So a word itself, is memory access, but what about the intended meaning, and concept of which the word is referring to?
When an individual consciously derives concepts (for which words are suited to), which are relevant and applicable to a stimuli, they are simply accessing memory data of the concept, which is relative to whatever stimulated that concept to be considered. Every concept of which an individual can think of (for which a vocabularic term is labelled to), is theoretically a memory of an object, substance, action, or combination of each, which was saved to the memory bank via senses. This is relevant because if all words can be regarded as only concepts of objects, then all thoughts of words, could be only a memory, recorded only by method of the senses, and saved as data.

To further simplify all concepts and ideas (and virtually everything in the universe) with a labelled term; they can be considered objects, or movement of objects. Actions can be considered a concept of the movement of an object(s). Liquid or substances can be considered many small objects (particles) combined. Air can be considered the objects of the elements which make up air. Emotion can be considered movement of a substance or electrical current (considered movement of electrons (objects)) within the brain. Memory itself can be considered (as the theory of this entire writing) objects, being the method of data storage, which the brain uses. A more complex concept can be considered a sub-construct of a larger quantity and or variety of objects, and motion of objects. Some sub-constructs might be vague and generalised in which specific objects or motion they refer to, but the concept is still of, only objects.  

The more advanced the brain becomes, theoretically, the more combinations of sub-constructs can be stored in memory, and the more accurately it can access varying sub-constructs and combinations. With more accurate access of memory, applicable to more specific circumstances (of the vast amount of potential varying circumstances within typical lifestyle), comes more preferential results. As the brains process of development, the more effective and useful a combination proves to be, the more positive feedback is issued from the brain, making that memory more easily triggered. The more the memory which is used, also, the more easily it is triggered.

Regarding my previous definition of conscious thought (consisting of the prospect that all thoughts of words can be broken down to plausibly be only memory access), we’re left with the method in which the mind processes and organises words, in a manner relative to and representative of stimulation. The superficial term for the method of which the mind processes and organises words, would be sentences. Considering words as labels for concepts of sub-constructs of objects, sentences would be combinations of words. Sentences are to words, as complex concepts are to sub-constructs of objects/ motion of objects. So the method which the conscious mind processes words, is by accessing memory of complex combinations of sub-constructs of concepts. When an individual thinks a sentence, it is constructed piece by piece, word by word, each of which, is representing a sub-construct of objects which have been recorded to the memory.

As far as I can determine, (just like every word in this sentence, which I thought of) all aspects of conscious thought are plausible via memory access.

Comprehension Inception [4]
If conscious thought is simply memory access, what elements of that concept allow comprehension and intelligence?
If “intelligence” is regarded as [effective and accurate conclusions drawn from relative variables], then likely, the more accurately and effectively memories of factors are processed, derived, combined, and applied to new varying circumstances, via comprehension, the higher the intelligence.

Taking subconscious reaction compared to conscious decisions, as a sample for variances of accuracy of memory access in relation to respective intelligence levels, it seems evident that the more accurate the memory processing, the higher the intelligence. Regarding subconscious reaction as a low-accuracy method of general and basic memory triggering reactions, there is little intelligence involved in comparison. This method may be faster, but much less effective with high variances in circumstances requiring analysis for accurate prediction.

The conscious decision process allows access to a profoundly higher quantity of memories with much easier triggering of access to subsequent memories. In any circumstance requiring reaction, conscious decision making is able to take in the variables of the current circumstance, and reference vast amounts of memory data which is relative to those individual variables. Rather than taking the overall circumstances and choosing the most pressing memory based on memory data with linked severe positive or negative feedback (as subconscious would have), conscious thought can relate all specific detailed factors involved in the overall circumstance, and access the most accurate memory relative to each factor/variable. With the circumstances dissected, and each specific detail which is involved, referenced to various matching memory data of that detail, a much more accurate and reliable prediction can be made, and therein preferable outcome caused.

As far as specific details of factors within circumstances go, in order to effectively relate the most relevant aspect of memory data, comprehension of cause and effect of varying factors can make the relating of memory data much more effective. But what is comprehension, if all thought is just memory access? Comprehension would be memory of a sub-construct of objects/factors and relative cause and effect, of those factors (and or motion thereof). With a memory of an appropriate sub-construct of factors (and cause/effect of such factors), this sub-construct (comprehension) can be applied to various circumstances containing matching factors within the virtual construct.

In order to comprehend various general concepts, the mind must be able to remember specific factors (objects/groups of objects/motion thereof) and their relative cause and effect. The more concepts stored in memory (and the more effectively a mind can access those concepts), the more efficient the variances of circumstances can be related, and therein accurately predicted. Vast quantities of factors, and concepts of factors, can be stored in the memory, creating a more effective toolbox for finding the most relative selection of tools to build what is preferred.

Efficient Ease of Numerous Neurons [5]
What is the most effective and efficient construction of a preferred assembly, by method of accessing tools within a toolbox?
Tools within a toolbox include: memories of factors -including objects (or physical elements) and motion of objects-, and memories of concepts -including virtual sub-constructs of numerous factors.

Accuracy of resemblance of memory data -for one thing- should be beneficial, allowing a more accurate and preferred assembly (or cause of preferred outcome of a set of circumstances). Once a memory is matched, greater accuracy of the data which is accessed, should prove to be beneficial for predicting an outcome, of which is preferable to cause. But accuracy can only help with memories which are saved, so quantity of memories should be necessary for use of accuracy, in circumstances involving a vast quantity of variables, and concepts therein.

But even with high accuracy of memory data recall, and a high quantity of memories available to match, the brain still requires access to the numerous memories (of which it might then recall accurately). Without ease of access to memories, the brain could still be in a subconscious state, accessing only few memories (even if a high quantity available, and vivid recall of which).

For ease of accessing a matching memory to current circumstances, the brain must have open access passageways. Considering the seeming method of the organic human brain, and its relevant developed process of memory access, when the brain has easy access, via more open neural passageways (each of which, physically leads to a memory), by mathematical probability, the brain uses each individual neural passageway less often, if the same number of neurons are used. Potentially, as a result of less usage of individual neural passageways, incidentally that memory would be less accurately recalled.

It seems likely, as animal subconscious gradually developed into human conscious thought, more memories became easier to access from less severe -linked, positive or negative feedback chemicals- triggering required to access memories. With more memories being accessed easily enough, each individual memory was therefore accessed less often, unless an increased number of neurons began to fire, in order to maintain connecting to each memory as often as before, while still accessing other memories more easily. This seems likely to be the case, as it is probably evident that humans fire a higher quantity of neurons than animals, and this would allow sustenance of accuracy of memory recollection (without the reduction of use of neural passageways).  

So as a result of easier access to more memories, the brain likely increased the number of neurons which fire, and memory capacity as well, in order to maintain a higher accuracy of memory recall, to assist the higher quantity of memories which are being accessed more easily. With a high enough quantity of memories being accessed more easily, compounds of memories are then also saved as a memory. These compounds are the sub-constructs of factors which we “comprehend”. With the ability to save compound memories, comes an exponential increase of quantity of memories to be accessed, with the potential to make a significant amount of combinations using all memory data of factors.

With so many memories for potential access, for the most efficient method of access, the brain would need to develop the most effective balance of: ease of access of a higher quantity of various memories, vs accuracy of recall (by means of recurring access of fewer memories), using the current physically maximum quantity of neurons. With a hypothetical limit to quantity of neurons to fire, the brain can either access a higher quantity of memories more easily with less accuracy of recall (as a result of fewer occurrences of the neuron using that passageway), or access fewer memories with higher accuracy of recall.

In the general scenario, for which memory is required, of fewer factors and possible variables, a high recall accuracy seems as though it would be more beneficial -as long as the number of neurons is relatively sufficient in ratio to the number of factors to be potentially saved as memory.
Whereas in a scenario where a vast quantity of potential variables and complex circumstances are present, it seems ease of access to more memories (to meet the ratio, in relation to potential variables and concepts) would be most effective.

This theory seems to suggest, a requirement cause of the natural development of higher intelligence, is a complex environment with a wide scope of variables demanding a higher quantity of potential memory data.

Conscious Thought & Perception [6]

Some degree of interpretation is required to allow consciousness, since access of memory data of the interpretation of the concepts involved with the particular memory data which is being accessed simultaneously, is what causes the in depth sense of consciousness. But the simplest and most basic form of consciousness can be generalised to: accessing memory data of a factor, simultaneously to accessing memory data of the outcome of the interaction of that factor with another factor. This would be a basic form of interpretation and concept (memory that 1 factor combined with another has a result).

So, if a computer is given an elaborate, significant, and accurate labelling system of all data which is downloaded to it, this will allow the potential to save memory data of concepts which make up the data, including cause and effect of the interaction of different factors within the data. If the computer is enabled to simultaneously and continuously access memory data, then it should be able to access memory data of the concept (involving cause and effect, or effective reaction of interaction between the particular factor and other factors, within the data), and memory data of the particular factor itself, simultaneously, causing the perception of consciousness.

“Conscious thought” (regarded as different from conscious perception) requires circulation of memory access and a triggering mechanism, to actively access new memory data, which in some way resembles the previously accessed memory. Conscious thought is a circuit of conscious perceptions. In order to access new memory data in the process of conscious thought, conscious perception of one factor leads to another factor (since, in conscious perception, the memory data of the outcome of the interaction of 2 factors is accessed). This is the link enabling 1 memory to lead to another, in conscious thought.

The ability to access multiple memories simultaneously, as well as the ability for 1 memory to trigger another memory (memory circulation), is what allows conscious perception (memory of the outcome of interaction between 2 factors).

With this circulation of, memory access of 1 factor triggering simultaneous memory access of another factor of resemblance, someone is able to access sequential memories with “conscious thought”, and furthermore they are able to comprehend reaction of factors with “conscious perception”.

Whichever factors within memory are being accessed, dictates what the mind is consciously perceptive of.
A memory system can have conscious perception of something as basic as 1 + 2 = 3.
The system accesses memories of data labelled as 1, 2, 3 [Factors 1,2,3],
simultaneously to memories of the outcome [Interaction]

The “Interaction” can be generalised into a concept, allowing variables of those factors to be used. Once a generalised concept is saved, it can be used with any variance of factors.
In order to generalise the “interaction”, the concept of the effect of each factor, on the outcome, needs to be saved as memory.  

In this eg. the generalised concept which applies to the “Interaction”, would be addition (ie. adding another of an object increases the total by that amount). The concept of addition can be extracted from the concept of the effect of 1, on the outcome of 3. The concept of the effect of 1, would be that X (any variable) +1 causes an outcome of the 2nd factor increased by 1. Once this concept is extracted, any factor can replace the 2 in the eg, and the outcome can be determined.

A more complex eg. of Conscious Perception, using a generalised concept to determine the outcome, would be conscious perception of a rocks existence.
The memory system (mind in this case) accesses memory data (recorded via visual sense) labelled “rock” [Factor 1],
simultaneously to accessing memory data of the concept of existence [Factor 2] (ie. concept in itself of relative physical presence, rather than not),
and memory of the generalised concept of interaction [Interaction]. (ie. outcome of an object (X variable) + existence, causes an outcome of the objects existence), to allow an outcome of the rocks existence [Factor 3] to be consciously perceived.

For conscious perception of the outcome of self awareness, replace the rock with the individual themselves, who is accessing the memories.
So it would seem, conscious perception can be applied to virtually any scenario, only requiring memory access to the data involved in that scenario. This conscious perception is a fundamental piece of the framework allowing circulation and flow of memories by means of conscious thought.

AC Artificial Consciousness [7]

Based on the concept that consciousness is basically a method of memory access, how would the process of the concept of consciousness, be replicated artificially?

My hypothesised explanation of human consciousness is virtually: a system involving sensory input, memory data, and access of such data, by method of circulation of memory data involving conceptual constructs, which are relative to the function, cause, and effects of data which is simultaneously being circulated. Human consciousness was developed based on positive/negative feedback, relative to the benefit of the individual, and resultingly, circulated memory data is accessed via trigger of this feedback.
This concept should be theoretically replicable into artificial technological conditions.

To break down and convert each aspect of my definition of human consciousness, the first part would be sensory input. Sensory input is necessary to gain new data which the individual might typically encounter, and to then be aware of future surroundings, to apply learned data relative to resembling variables, and therein cause a preferred outcome. This aspect of consciousness might only be necessary to program a general AI, which is capable of interacting with its environment, and accomplishing general tasks involved with its environment. Sensory input is likely not required for basic consciousness, since data can be acquired by skipping the process of senses. The required data for consciousness could potentially be downloaded directly.

Memory data in general is fairly simple, and already programmed and downloaded into computers as of today. The plausible difference between memory data which computers already have, and memory data required for consciousness, might be interpretation of the data. Humans interpret data mostly with a system of terminology to label most specific factors within data, as well as label concepts containing numerous factors, and label generalisations of factors (variables) to allow interpretable categories of factors (which in themselves have factors which alter their cause and effect). This system of labels allows much more accurate memory of cause and effect of virtually all factors and elements, which make up general data.

Without interpretation, the memory data cannot be distinguished and applied to future circumstances, to cause alteration to factors and potentially a preferable outcome. Alteration to factors in future circumstances, also isn’t necessarily required for basic consciousness, but is a potentially profound and significant advantageous effect.

Interpretation of data, is necessary for conscious perception though, because consciousness requires concepts (compounds of factors) to be saved in memory data, for memory of outcome of interaction between factors. Effective organisation and categorisation of memory data is required to some degree of labellisation, in order for interpretation of concepts -relative to memory data which is being circulated-  to be allowed. Data is fundamentally labelled to some degree, since data itself, is the organisation of a recording of occurrences. But the more accurately that data is labelled, the more interpretable it is, and most importantly, the more able the data is relatable, from one factor of data to another. But, current computers have this potential capability of interpreting data, or interpreting the result of interaction between 2 factors of the data. There is potentially something additional, which computers are lacking, for effective conscious perception or conscious thought.
The difference may very well be the method of simultaneous access to the memory data. Coming back to my initial definition of human consciousness, this part: “cause, and effects of data which is simultaneously being circulated”, in basic terms, refers to accessing data of 1 factor, simultaneously to accessing data of the result of that factors interaction with another factor. Theoretically, both elements of data could be accessed simultaneously and instantly, but without method of circulation of data, triggering alternate elements of data, the concept of conscious perception of that factor, would only occur for a brief period (as long as both elements of data are being accessed), and unlikely to occur in the 1st place (without specific intentional occurrence).

So, with the simple adjustment to computers data access, of allowing simultaneous access to a factor and the outcome of interaction of that factor, that computer would theoretically be consciously perceptive of that factor. A simple example could be a calculator, which is programmed with memory data of all digits (factors), plus certain mathematical interactional outcomes between the digits. If the calculator was programmed to access data of a digit (say the # 1), simultaneously to accessing the data of the outcome of interaction of that digit with another digit (say, 1+2=3), the calculator would be consciously perceptive of the number 1 within the context of that equation.
This consciously perceptive calculator could theoretically be given the ability for conscious thought as well, on a very basic level. If the calculator was given this already mentioned ability to access data of a factor simultaneously to data of the interaction of that factor, but to access data continuously, and with a triggering mechanism, to access alternate data (which it has saved) which has a resemblance to the data currently being accessed, then the calculator would be consciously thinking. If the calculator was programmed with a triggering mechanism, which causes its access of data to transfer to an alternate factor (saved within its data), based on match of digit (basis of priority of factor matched and accessed, could vary), it could create a “memory circulation”.

For eg., it could be started with the digit 1 (factor), then the programmed triggering mechanism causes it to simultaneously access an equation (factor construct of the outcome of interaction) involving the 1, maybe 1+4=5, then while accessing the equation, its data access transfers to access another digit (simultaneously to accessing the equation), maybe 5, then transfers to access an alternate equation involving the 5, maybe 6x5=30, then accesses the digit 30, then another equation involving 30, and so on (continuously accessing at least 2 factors of data simultaneously (the digit and the equation), circulating through its data).

This process would theoretically and virtually, be a basic form of artificial conscious thought.

Formula For Feedback [8]
What is the formula for positive and negative feedback triggers?

As humans, we subjectively perceive virtually everything we encounter throughout life, as some degree of positive or negative. Most (or maybe all?) of the cause of those positive and negative triggers was assumedly developed by evolution and natural selection, based on beneficiality to the survival of the species. But what allows certain mechanisms in the brain to be perceived as positive or negative?

Theoretically, objectively, nothing in this universe is fundamentally positive or negative. Everything is relative, including positive or negative, good or bad. So, to cause an organic brain to perceive something as positive, it must use objective programming of information which the brain perceives, since nature doesn’t come with a designated positive and negative feedback trigger. Without an element which is fundamentally positive, the programming would have to create a reaction which simply signals that, those factors of data should occur again (for positive), or a signal that those factors should not occur again (negative).

As it would likely develop, programming of the organism would have random mutations, and (as natural selection would have it) the surviving organisms would be ones with programming which triggers the organism to repeat (positive feedback) the circumstances which allow it to survive. As animals develop to be more complex, in order to match their environment, they would develop more complex and effective trigger systems, with the programming of repeat circumstances, or do not, sub programmed.

It seems animals developed a sub-program of “do repeat” (positive) reaction to certain chemicals (such as dopamine) and “do not repeat” (negative) reaction. This allows all of that species to then indeed have a default built-in positive or negative trigger. With the built in triggers, adaptation to environment would be much faster and therefore more survivable. Without built in subprograms of “repeat” or “do not”, to act as positive and negative triggers, the organisms would have to acquire random mutation programming of repeat or do not, for each individual circumstance which the species comes across. The programming of repeat or not for each set of circumstances, would be more complex programming than “activate this chemical”. Therefore making a universal positive/negative trigger chemical would be more effective, as random mutations to trigger the chemical would be more likely to occur, than mutations of “repeat these certain circumstances of this sensory data input”.

So even from the perspective of any organism, the only cause of the interpretation of something being positive or negative, is theoretically only programming, which developed to trigger that individual organism to either repeat the circumstances or do not repeat.
If pain is only a conflict of information input, which triggers signal to not repeat, is it so “bad”? Can it be consciously overwritten?
Would it be as bad as causing pain, to create a computer with trigger programming of “do not repeat”, and causing that trigger to continuously repeat?

General Data Consciousness [9]
How is consciousness adaptable, to be used for general circumstances?
Assuming consciousness of any concept is basically, accessing memory data of the overall factors involved in the concept, while simultaneously accessing memory data of the interaction of those factors, then how can consciousness be adaptable to its environment?

It seems like it should be fairly simple, that for an individual to be capable of being conscious of varying concepts within a changing environment, they just need to have a method of gaining new data of its environment, into its memory storage. As long as the entity can acquire new data of its environment, it should then be able to access that data from its memory, and access data involving the interaction of factors, within the overall data. But what function allows the ability to distinguish the interaction of factors within data?

The entity which is being adaptively conscious, must also have the capability of comparing the data which it is acquiring. If it can compare the data, and distinguish factors of the data which match or resemble, then it should be able to save new sub-constructs of data of the differing interactions of the different factors within the overall data. The sub-constructs are necessary, in order to be conscious of the interaction of the factors.

In order to distinguish the interaction, it can use the matched data, which indicates the cause and effect of the factor. The potentially conscious entity can determine the factors effect, based on the most common result of interaction with an alternate factor (found in its matched data). Or, to determine the cause of a factor, search the data for the matched factor, and find the most common combination of alternate factors which cause it.

For eg. if comprehending the interaction (effect in this case) of factor X, the individual would access memory data of all matches of X. In some memory data, X + Y = Z, and in other memory data, X + M = Z, therefore, the most probably effect of interaction of factor X, is Z. So a sub-construct is saved of X combined with any factor, has the effect of Z as a result. This is the method of adaptably comprehending the interaction of any factor on a basic level, using memory data.

This is a very generic explanation of the method which a conscious entity comprehends, and is conscious of, any given concept within a set of data that it acquires. The most basic required functions for adaptable consciousness, are acquiring data, distinguishing matches of factors, distinguishing interaction of factors (within the data), and then accessing the data of the factors, simultaneously to accessing data of the interaction of that factor.

With these enabled functions, any-one or -thing should be capable of being conscious of any general data.

Fresh Consciousness [10]
If being conscious of any given factor does not necessarily involve active sensory input, then what causes the more vivid feeling of consciousness, when someone is conscious of their surrounding which they are perceiving via this active sensory input?

This feeling of consciousness is more vivid, because the factors of which the person is conscious of, are continuously being recorded as memories, and the memories are continuously, immediately being accessed.

Considering the abbreviated consciousness equation;
C = M (F + I)
C = Consciousness, M = Memory, F = Factor, I = Interactions of factor

And applying this equation to fresh consciousness;
C = fresh, vivid consciousness
F = multiple factors in the current surroundings
I = concepts of how those various factors are relative to the surroundings

The memories of factors within the current surroundings being accessed so quickly, causes accuracy and vividity of the memories. The brain's neurons record sensory input, and immediately after this occurs, more neurons fire (as is the process of memory access) to the same location where the sensory information was just saved. At this time, the regular process of consciousness of a factor occurs. Simultaneously to neurons firing to that information (memory of the factors which were just recorded (F)), neurons also fire to concepts relative to the same information (I). As a result of vivid memories of your surroundings, at the same time as memories of concepts which are relative to those memories of surroundings, fresh consciousness (C) takes place.

The longer time period there is, after memories have been recorded, until the time of the process of consciousness, the less vivid the consciousness is. This is directly correlational to memories, as the longer the time since a memory was recorded, the less accurate the memory can be recalled. Perhaps, the more time that has passed, the less likely that neuron is to be accessed again. Perhaps it takes a large quantity of separate neurons, each at an exact point with 1 portion of information, to collectively make a combination of information which represents any memory. If some of those neurons, containing a small portion of the overall combination, are not accessed as a result of time passing, then the overall memory would be less accurate. As time passes, and individual neurons are no longer accessed, the overall construct of a memory would gradually become less accurate.

As memories fade gradually over time, so does consciousness, since consciousness is only a combination of memories. If consciousness becomes stale, new information can just be acquired, for a refresher.

Complexity Coordinated by Consciousness [11]
Considering a complex conundrum, how can the concept of conscious comprehension cause coordination of crap?

Regarding the concept of consciousness as being virtually, logical comprehension of the function of the factors, it can be used effectively by conscious comprehension of all relevant aspects and portions of the circumstances.  

Applying consciousness would mean being aware of, and therein analysing, and therein understanding; as many factors and their interactions (involved in the circumstances), as can be distinguished. If the interaction of factors involved, is understood, then the cause and effect of those factors can be known. The more factors and interactions that are understood by their cause and effect, the higher the degree of accuracy of prediction of the overall circumstances. With a higher accuracy of prediction, comes a more beneficial decision to be made, relative to the prediction.

If the overall circumstances require 1 or another decision, the decisions can be considered factors within the circumstances, and compared for which of the options results more beneficially.

So 1 step: would be to consciously consider the circumstances, and be aware (with simultaneous memory access:) of as many factors within the circumstances, as is plausible.
Each factor can often be considered to varying degrees of specificity, so starting with more general groups of factors should be an effective method.
Step 2: the interaction of those general factors can be analysed.
Step 3: Each general grouping of factors can then be consciously comprehended separately, to more accurately analyse the effect of that generalized factor. For the most accurate overall prediction, the factors should be analysed as specifically as seems even minimally relevant to the outcome. This way, the interaction of many specific factors is understood, allowing an accurate prediction of those factors on generalized groupings of factors, until its the most general factors interactions affecting the overall end result.

This process can be implemented in the scenario of a specific decision being provoked, where the optional decisions can be separately hypothetically inserted into the overall circumstances, and compared for estimated best result.

There is also even more complex circumstances, involving indistinct and vague circumstances, where a decision is not provoked. This concept of conscious coordination of complexity can also be applied to general circumstances, to estimate a general outcome. Then a more preferred specific outcome can be considered. The hypothetical circumstances with the preferred outcome, can then be consciously comprehended in a similar process. Specific factors (and interaction of which) that are required for the preferred outcome, can be estimated as accurately as can be distinguished. Then the current factors can be altered to fit the required factors, that will cause the preferred result.

This is the general application of consciousness to coordinate the complexity of life.

Conscious Application [12]
With the potential comprehension of the function and process of consciousness, how can this be applied beneficially to use of consciousness?

By understanding the operations of consciousness, it is plausible to extract the beneficial effects of the factors within the concept (just as the function of the concept itself operates), and apply them more effectively and efficiently to regular use of consciousness (which happens to be fairly often).The factors of consciousness would be; memory access of factors (of generally any information), memory access of the effect of interaction of those factors, simultaneous memory access of both, and circulation of memories, using that simultaneous memory access.

The beneficial effects of this process would be; the ability to access memories of the effect of factors by accessing memories of the interaction of the factors relevant in a concept, simultaneously to the concept itself. Without this simultaneous access, a mind is not able to access memories of factors present in any concept. The mind is only able to access memories of the general concept itself, and the feedback triggers linked to it. But with this simultaneous memory access, the mind can access the individual factors (which have cause and effect of any concept), at the same time as accessing memories of the concept. Once the mind can access the factors and their cause/ effect, it can remember the result of the concept based on the interaction of the relevant factors, rather than just the closest resembling general concept. By accessing memories of the interaction of factors present within a concept, the individual is able to much more accurately predict the result of the concept. Once able to more accurately predict the result, they can react accordingly to their benefit.

So knowing these beneficial effects of having a conscious mind, one can basically apply this concept of consciousness more often. Consciously, someone should be able to be conscious more often, therein benefiting them, by result of predicting circumstances more accurately throughout life, and reacting accordingly to their own benefit.

In order to apply consciousness more often, someone would have to take into consideration (or consciousness) their circumstances more often, by access of memories of the factors and their interactions (which are present in any given circumstance). Generally, the more often someone applies (with at least minimally complex circumstances) this conscious concept, the more often they will have a beneficial result.

Another application in life, besides attentatively remembering the effects of relevant factors, would be the ability to comprehend the benefit of a specific concept (based on the result of its interaction of factors), and save that newly compiled concept as a memory, based on the positive feedback by comprehending its benefit.

It seems that the useful application of the comprehension of the concept of consciousness, is application itself of consciousness…

Conclusivity of Consciousness [13]

Consciousness is basically a process of memory access. To be conscious of any given factor, is to access memory data of that factor, simultaneously to accessing data of the interaction of that factor with other factors.

Different aspects of consciousness might be: conscious perception, conscious awareness, self-consciousness, and conscious thought.

“Conscious perception” could be considered to be conscious of any given particular factor. Simultaneous memory access is what allows a “conscious” perception of the factor, and the relevance and implications of the factor’s existence. The noted factor, can be a variety of things, including objects, groups or categories of objects, concepts, or at the most basic and generic level, datum. The minimum required information for consciousness, would be information data  labelled however it may be, with the factor being 1 unit of data, and the interaction being how that datum reacts with another unit of data.

“Self-consciousness” could be considered, an individual being conscious of themself. The factor of which they are accessing within memory data, would be themself (and whatever they perceive themself to consist of, as saved in their memory data). The interaction of the factor (themself) would be the causes and effects of the existence of themselves, and how their existence relates to their surroundings (or whichever perception they have saved in memory data, of the settings regarding their presence).

“Conscious awareness” could be considered, being continuously conscious of a concept. One difference of definition from “perception”, could be the requirement of continuous simultaneous memory access. As long as the individual sustains memory access to the factor and interaction of that factor, for a minimal period, the ongoing memory access could be considered awareness. Awareness could perhaps be of any given concept, but the most general intention of the term, is likely that of: the individual being consciously aware of the concept that they are capable of using thought, and that they are using it at the present time.

“Conscious thought” could be considered the process of continuous memory access, and the circulation through saved memory data. Circulation through memory data is done by using the conscious process of simultaneous data access of any factor and the interaction of that factor, combined with sustained memory access, and a method to access an alternate factor within the overall memory data. A trigger method is required to allow differing factors to be accessed, and to guide which new factor within the memory, is accessed. The trigger method is the match or resemblance of one factor to another. With enough memory data, any factor or resemblance of the factor would be found multiple times, and as sustained memory access occurs, a differing factor or interaction of the same factor can be sequentially accessed. With humans, the factors are often distinguished by words which are saved as memory data, which resemble different pieces of memory data which was input to the brain via senses.

For a memory system to be capable of effectively being conscious of new general data, it needs to have a function of perceiving the interaction of any factors of data it receives (so that its able to access the data of the factor as well as its interaction). To perceive the interaction of general data, the memory system need to be able to match any factor, to different accounts of that factors interaction with other factors. With a massive amount of received data (such as humans receive, typically), it could take excessive time to sort through all matches of a factor and perceive its interaction, and to determine the next factor to be accessed. Feedback triggers can be added, to regard certain factors, or sub-constructs of factors, or their interaction, as useful or not. This groups data, saving time.

Humans have developed a conscious thought method, capable of processing general data which is input to the brain's memory system. The general data is received by the senses, and often saved with a feedback trigger which indicates relevance of that information data. Humans feedback triggers were developed to regard different sensory memories of encounters with their environment, to be helpful or harmful to their survival.

All that being said, what are the benefits of the comprehension and understanding of the methods of consciousness?

By analysing consciousness, the methods of intellectual distinguishment of factors, and the interaction and reaction of factors within a concept, can be determined. Consciousness and therein intelligence, could be significantly beneficial, if understood and potentially more effectively utilised. Once the process of: comprehension of factors within a concept, is understood, the process can be applied to all concepts and factors encountered throughout life. The effective process can be applied to any problem, to then cause the most preferable outcome, by more accurately adjusting factors (as the cause and effect of which is comprehended and saved as memory), and resolve problems.

Understanding the process of consciousness is potentially, understanding the root of human thought and intelligence. Just like the process of consciousness itself, if it can be comprehended, then the cause and effect of the concept can be applied more effectively to more appropriate circumstances. Considering it is the method of virtually all interactions of us as humans, and the potential method of which any decision is made by an individual capable of conscious thought, this could be the most relevant, beneficial, and widely applicable concept to ever be understood!

Conclusionarily, conceivably, the constructs of consciousness consist of comprehension of concepts, carrying combinations of code, critical to creating corresponding circulation. The code is memory data of virtually anything we encounter and save as information, using our senses. The circulation is memories triggering memories of resemblance.
By use of these concepts of consciousness, virtually any information can be comprehended, even the concepts of consciousness...