Considering a complex conundrum, how can the concept of conscious comprehension cause coordination of crap?
Regarding the concept of consciousness as being virtually, logical comprehension of the function of the factors, it can be used effectively by conscious comprehension of all relevant aspects and portions of the circumstances.
Applying consciousness would mean being aware of, and therein analysing, and therein understanding; as many factors and their interactions (involved in the circumstances), as can be distinguished. If the interaction of factors involved, is understood, then the cause and effect of those factors can be known. The more factors and interactions that are understood by their cause and effect, the higher the degree of accuracy of prediction of the overall circumstances. With a higher accuracy of prediction, comes a more beneficial decision to be made, relative to the prediction.
If the overall circumstances require 1 or another decision, the decisions can be considered factors within the circumstances, and compared for which of the options results more beneficially.
So 1 step: would be to consciously consider the circumstances, and be aware (with simultaneous memory access:) of as many factors within the circumstances, as is plausible.
Each factor can often be considered to varying degrees of specificity, so starting with more general groups of factors should be an effective method.
Step 2: the interaction of those general factors can be analysed.
Step 3: Each general grouping of factors can then be consciously comprehended separately, to more accurately analyse the effect of that generalized factor. For the most accurate overall prediction, the factors should be analysed as specifically as seems even minimally relevant to the outcome. This way, the interaction of many specific factors is understood, allowing an accurate prediction of those factors on generalized groupings of factors, until its the most general factors interactions affecting the overall end result.
This process can be implemented in the scenario of a specific decision being provoked, where the optional decisions can be separately hypothetically inserted into the overall circumstances, and compared for estimated best result.
There is also even more complex circumstances, involving indistinct and vague circumstances, where a decision is not provoked. This concept of conscious coordination of complexity can also be applied to general circumstances, to estimate a general outcome. Then a more preferred specific outcome can be considered. The hypothetical circumstances with the preferred outcome, can then be consciously comprehended in a similar process. Specific factors (and interaction of which) that are required for the preferred outcome, can be estimated as accurately as can be distinguished. Then the current factors can be altered to fit the required factors, that will cause the preferred result.
This is the general application of consciousness to coordinate the complexity of life.