Thursday 5 April 2018

Plane’s of Brains

What categories are there of method of function, which the brain utilizes?
There seems to be 3 planes, each more complex than the last: 1) Instinct, 2) subconscious, 3) Consciousness.

Instinct would be the simplest function of a brain or nervous system. It does not require any sensory input or memory to be programmed. Instinct is a preset reaction to stimulus, which was acquired by birth from genetics. These reactions have usually proven over a long enough time period, being beneficial for survival and reproduction, that the persistent reaction (regardless of specific circumstances) worked for all specimens of that species.

Subconscious reaction utilizes sensory input and memory storage of the individual, for the advantage of causing differing reactions based on more specific circumstances. With a somewhat complex environment, there arises more varying circumstances, where differing reactions (based on past results of experiences of that specimen) is more beneficial than the uncircumstantial reaction of instinct. Subconscious reaction compares the current circumstances with basic memories of resembling situations, and causes the individual to react based on the highest severity of feedback connected with the results of the most resembling memories.

Consciousness would be the most complex plane of brain function, being similar to subconscious reaction, but allows a higher quantity of memories to be compared for resemblance. This allows more specific aspects of the circumstances to be compared (cause and effect of variables), and a more accurate estimate of the overall situation, with applicable decision of reaction. This is beneficial for an even more complex environment, which contains more variables and more potential combinations of affecting circumstances.

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