What are the contributing factors to humanities potential virtual murder of Earth + suicide of our species?
As we contribute more and more to causing climate change, it seems like there must be a flaw in our psychology, to continue doing this knowingly. Some aspects of typical human psychology, which seem to be a cause, would be;
Lack of Urgency + Selfishness + Lack of sense of Contribution + Lack of Responsibility
Lack of Urgency + Selfishness + Lack of sense of Contribution + Lack of Responsibility
Lack of urgency is largely due to the mentality that a problem is only important, if it affects the individual directly, immediately, and distinctly. I explain this in more detail in “Authority of Priority”, but basically, since humans so often use our subconscious to prioritize our actions, we are only concerned with short term goals and problems, which are affecting us directly and at the present time. Since subconscious thought only utilizes reference of simpler memories, it doesn't make consecutive connections of concepts, such as chains of cause and effect which are relevant to the future, or consequences which are an indirect result of actions.
With Climate Change involving quite a few connections of cause and effect, being relevant for the further-than-immediate future, and being an indirect consequence, subconscious priority of action isn't even capable of recognizing it, besides comprehending its relevance and priority.
With Climate Change involving quite a few connections of cause and effect, being relevant for the further-than-immediate future, and being an indirect consequence, subconscious priority of action isn't even capable of recognizing it, besides comprehending its relevance and priority.
Selfishness is similarly often caused by use of subconscious and instinctual influence (as further analysed, by comparison to conscious thought, in “Colossal Collateral”). It is instinct to be selfish, for self survival, and simple subconscious influence uses these instincts as its main reference. Since reinforcement of actions is caused by instinctual triggers, it is default for humans to only be concerned with problems affecting themselves, and focus on gaining more and more resources, possessions, and benefits for themselves.
With selfishness being a main cause of action, consequences which have a negative effect on the environment are not registered as important, therein causing common disregardful contribution toward the causes of climate change.
With selfishness being a main cause of action, consequences which have a negative effect on the environment are not registered as important, therein causing common disregardful contribution toward the causes of climate change.
Contribution is another more complex connection of concepts, which is not recognized, considered, or acknowledged as much as is necessary to avoid climate change. I explained more about the relevance of contribution in itself in; “Components of Contribution” and “Concept of Contribution”. As contributions can be positive toward causing a benefit, or negative toward causing problem, both attributes of contribution come into play with helping to prevent climate change, or adding to the cause of it. Besides contribution being too complicated of a concept for us to regularly prioritize, it can also give the impression of insignificance, because of the ratio of small portion caused by an individual, to large impact caused by many. With an individual's contribution seeming minimal and irrelevant, also comes a lack of the sense of responsibility.
When responsibility is ambiguous, this can cause no preventative action to be taken. If nobody specifically is appointed responsible for a problem, then all contributing parties to that problem will often consider it unimportant to reduce their negative contribution, or to take preventative action toward solving the problem. As it is more instinctual to be selfish, when there is a sense of a lack of expecting perception from others (ie responsibility), then the larger problem no longer seems relevant or of priority. Perception from others, is the key in “Anonymity or Responsibility” (as outlined there), and often a motivator to take action, in order to appear better under observation from others. With a lack of that other-observation, comes a lack of regard for negative effects, that an individual causes, which do not directly impact themselves.
As no individuals feel directly responsible for causing or preventing climate change, and everyone often feels anonymous, this allows the continuation of its causes, and a general lack of action toward solution implementation.
With a problem which is;
long-term + indirect + globally affected + globally caused,
long-term + indirect + globally affected + globally caused,
comes slack in reduction of the cause. The reason for the continued cause of this global problem, can be linked to these 4 concepts relative to human psychology;
Urgency + Selfishness + Contribution + Responsibility.
But if these concepts can be understood, then perhaps such global problems can be considered more of a priority, important, and universally relevant. With common comprehension, can come a cooperative solution.