Regarding comprehension of anything; what causes the interaction between factors?
In my last post; Interactions of Consciousness, I attempted to distinguish the required brain functions for comprehending the interaction of a factor, which is the basis of being conscious of something (by my understanding). Basically, it seems to require memory of the action of a factor changing. But when it comes to the minimum requirements for the explanation of consciousness, what other factors are included, involving change to a factor?
It seems that, to be conscious of a factors’ interaction, you must be aware of the cause of the change of the factor, besides only the factor changing. Someone could access a memory of an action of a time period of an object changing, but this is still not comprehension or being conscious, if they don’t access memory of the cause of the change. For eg, someone could access memories of a 100 pixel blob changing to a 50 pixel blob, through action of 1 pixel at a time, disappearing. But this is not comprehension of the cause or effect of the blob changing. When it comes to comprehension, or being conscious of something, the key is knowing cause and effect, or how the interaction of a factor with another, causes a new result. Considering this, it seems likely that memory access is required, of 2 factors, and the time period of the change caused by their interaction. If someone accesses memories of 1 factor changing, and a 2nd factor which is the cause of change, then they should comprehend those 2 factors interaction.
Having a minimum of 2 factors seems relevant, as comprehension or being conscious, is in a way, understanding how multiple things interact with each other, and the cause of how something affects another. With this minimum comprehension of connection of 2 differing factors, the potential is unlocked to understand how any factors in this world, cause others.
So there must be at least 2 factors which are interacting. But that interaction between factors, is 1 factor affecting and changing another factor, through action. That action, is a 3rd factor.
So there must be at least 2 factors which are interacting. But that interaction between factors, is 1 factor affecting and changing another factor, through action. That action, is a 3rd factor.
1 of the factors seems to need to be, action. I determined in my last post that change is required for interaction, but the cause of that change, would be the factor of an action. Taking my eg from my previous post; someone is conscious of a duck (factor 1), and a pond (factor 2), being combined. The action of factors 1 and 2 being combined, would be the factor of action (factor 3). Without this factor of action, there is no comprehension of the interaction of factors 1 and 2. The factor of action, of the duck moving to the pond (or any other action causing the duck to be in the pond) is the 3rd required factor, for comprehension of the cause and effect of combining factors 1 and 2.
Another example of being conscious of the interaction of 2 factors, using the minimum of 3 factors, could be; a rock being eroded by water. The rock would be factor 1, water would be factor 2, and the action of change by erosion, would be factor 3. In order to comprehend the interaction, someone must access memory of the action of the rock particles moving away from the rock, as this is the effect caused by the water. Memory of this action, still requires memory of some minimum timeline (rather than static factors). The factor of the movement of the rock particles, is conceptually the same as the movement of the duck, in the previous eg. These examples, involve 3 factors, but there is virtually no limit to # of “factors”.
As a different eg; if you are conscious of the existence of something, you must access memories of that thing (factor 1), and the relative environment in which it exists (factor 2), and the action of existing (factor 3). The action of existing, takes a minimum time period of time passing, which is action of particles moving, otherwise, there is not time passing, and no existence. Without a time period for particles to move, no time exists, and the thing no longer exists.
The minimum requirement to be conscious of anything, seems to be; memory access of 3 factors. This includes Factor 1, causing change to Factor 2, by means of action (through time) Factor 3.