Wednesday 10 April 2019

Conscious Software Updated

How would a mind function with the default of conscious analysis and comprehension?

As I determined in my previous post; The Fault of Default Hardware, using subconscious reaction as the constant default reaction method, within modern society, seems insufficient for the complexity of common circumstances, often resulting in unintended negative effects. Conscious thought seems to often be more adequate in distinguishing necessary differences within varying circumstances, in order to achieve a more accurate estimate of outcome of factors within any given scenario. With a more accurate estimate of outcome, more beneficial adjustments can be made to the circumstances, relative to the context.

So if humans received a “software update”, to use conscious processing as the default reaction method to any situations, how would this change an individual's life, and how would it change the world as a whole?

To begin with, this would likely be a very slow way to go through life. Assuming conscious analysis is at the same speed that it is currently, it would likely take a long time to consider and analyse every situation that an individual comes across.

But, the default method doesn’t have to be the only method of processing. Just the initial method for new scenarios. Technically, every scenario is a new scenario, as there are always at least some particle differentials (except perhaps very specific and defined contexts?). So for the sake of argument, I’ll say scenarios; which have variances in factors, to a degree that alter the end result, relevant to the context. For eg, Bob is trying to catch a ball which is flying through the air towards him. If the variance in factor, from past experiences of this scenario, is simply that the ball is blue, instead of green, then this variance is not relevant to the context of predicting the direction that the ball will fly, to catch it. Therefore, the scenario does not necessarily require conscious analysis. But if the ball was 5x the size, this would be a relevant variance in factors, as the ball will have more air resistance, and likely a different weight, causing it to fly in a different direction. Using a default of some conscious thought in this scenario, should allow Bob to more accurately predict the direction that the ball will fly.

Conscious thought may be slower, but using subsets of saved information in memory (concepts), conscious thought can still be relatively quick. If Bob has the concept saved in his memory, that a larger object will be an approximate amount more air resistant, then the only conscious analysis required, is to quickly access that subset of information, and relate it to his current scenario.

If conscious thought is not used for circumstances which are relevantly similar to past situations, then perhaps subconscious thought can be used, after the initial conscious distinguishment is saved in memory, to speed up a lot of reaction times, throughout life.

But when circumstances with relatively differing factors occur, conscious analysis and processing should allow the more accurate prediction and adjustment. Alternatively, as it seems is common now, subconscious reaction is often used as the default, which does not take into consideration those new differing factors. With an update of default reaction method, any individual should be able to analyse a new situation, and use conscious comprehension to apply any relevant information gained from past experiences, to the new circumstances, and much more accurately predict the outcome. Each person would be able to apply logical reasoning to every situation they come across, then save that rational decision as a subconscious subset, to quickly have that same rational reaction in the future.

This update of initial default reaction, should overpower and overwrite any irrational instinctual reactions which are typical in current day society. Subconscious reaction often does not have the applicable ability to distinguish subtle differences in factors, in order to make this effective overwritation. Rather than allowing recurring reactions of instinctual temptations, such as overspending, overeating, overusing drugs, and disregarding negative effects relayed to others/ environments, etc, the conscious mind should be able to determine more overall beneficial reactions, and save those as the recurring reaction for future similar situations.

If every person was to use this hypothetically more effective reaction method, as their default, it would alter all worldwide contributions. It could potentially profoundly decrease all negative contributions (such as pollution, climate change, war), as well as profoundly increase all positive contributions (such as effective use of resources and money for more efficient processes, problem solving, and development), since each contributing individual should determine the more beneficial contribution.

Overall, updating the brains software to use the method of conscious analysis as the default reaction method, could still allow quick subconscious processing, but use the quick reaction which was determined by reasoning, rather than instinct (or simplified differential distinguishment), but cause much more beneficial outcomes for the individual, as well as the entire environment. Rational adjustments in contribution could likely, basically solve all world problems...

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