Tuesday 10 March 2020

Interpretation of Interpretation

How does interpretation function?
How accurate is it?

My interpretation of the meaning of interpretation: collaboration of perception.
Wikipedia’s interpretation: Interpretation (philosophy), the assignment of meanings to various concepts, symbols, or objects under consideration

Interpretation can apply to many situations. A practical and more tangible situation might be someone explaining to someone else what they believe was the meaning of a philosophy article, and how they think it applies. This is a scenario of 1 person verbally explaining their own understanding and comprehension of something. But a more common and ongoing scenario of interpretation, might be; anyone’s mind interpreting everything it receives through perception. This would be a scenario of interpretation which always takes place before, and directly affects, anyone’s attempt to explain their interpretation to someone else. 

Everything which someones mind receives through sensory perception is interpreted in some way. That which is perceived through the senses is not recorded 100% accurately. Since any person or animals senses have a relevant lack of accuracy of measurement, and there is a massive amount of measurements being perceived by the senses at most times, the mind attempts to distinguish everything it is receiving. Since the brain functions as a reaction system, it is meant to determine the best reaction to that which is perceived of the surroundings. In order to trigger an effective reaction, the brain needs to recognize patterns of what is being perceived. This function of recognition is, in essence, a basic process of interpretation. The brain can then use either instinct or memory to cause an effective reaction, based on patterns perceived. 

Throughout the lifetime of an animal or person, the more times that a pattern is perceived and recognized, the more that pattern will be accessed in memory, making the neural combination which represents that pattern, easier to access. This causes an increase of likeliness that certain patterns will be focused on and accessed in memory, making the mind more likely to interpret sensory perception of those patterns. These patterns are usually measurements of sensory perception of what we can refer to as “factors”. Subconscious memory seems to mainly utilize basic recognition and interpretation of factors, to cause a reaction. But once the mind has saved many common patterns in memory, which can be interpreted, the interaction of those patterns can require more complex interpretation.

If a mind has the capability of sufficient interpretation, it can start to recognize patterns of combinations of factors and the interaction of those factors. Once a mind can recognize in memory, a pattern of how factors interact (requiring some time frame for interaction), it can basically interpret cause and effect. This complexity of interpretation seems to be basically the function of consciousness, as I further explained in a post from 2 yrs ago; Conscious Comprehension. With this capability, comes the potential to learn and save in memory, a multitude of concepts of how various factors in this world interact. But perhaps with this increase in complexity of pattern recognition, comes an increase of difficulty for interpretation.

Since even sensory perception is inaccurate with measurements, and interpretation of basic patterns can be inaccurate, the incorporation of multiple patterns and their interaction, can be even more inaccurate. Generally, the more times an inaccurate # is combined, the more inaccurate the total will be. Beyond the difficulty of interpreting combinations in memory, representing the interaction of factors which have been perceived, there is interpretation of the interaction of factors which have not been perceived by the senses or saved in memory. 

A lot of information which people receive (especially in modern day society), represents concepts of interactions that they have not perceived themselves. This involves an extra step of interpretation, through accessing memory of 1 aspect of an interaction which they have perceived, and combining that memory of interaction, with memory of other factors (or combinations of factors) which they have also perceived. This is a component of the concept of imagination, which I further described in a post from about 22 months ago; Imaginate. It basically involves comprehending an interaction, and hypothetically applying that interaction to alternate factors. This adds difficulty of interpretation which might be described as being intangible. 

A basic function of interpretation seems to be; the mind recognizing patterns received through sensory perception. When a mind can recognize patterns of interactions of multiple factors, this becomes more complex interpretation, to comprehend cause and effect. Combining memory of interactions with memory of alternate factors, is comprehending new concepts hypothetically, and an even more difficult and inaccurate process of interpretation. That itself, might explain the difficulty of; Interpretation of interpretation. 

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