Friday 8 March 2019

Maximum Intellect

What is a theoretical maximum for intellect?

By intellect, I am referring to; ability to accurately predict the outcome to any given scenario. With a higher accuracy of prediction, the individual can predict which specific adjustments to the cause of the outcome, are required to cause the resulting effect to be the most preferred. This ability allows problem solving, by accurately predicting the outcome of a solution, and the necessary adjustments to cause that solution.
By that definition of intellect, the maximum would be relative to the information available. If considering a relative maximum intellect, then the intellect should be as accurate as possible at determining influencing factors (as I explain further, in; Differential Distinguishment), based on what information is accessible.

A low intellect level would make an inaccurate prediction of the outcome of any scenario, without considering the details of causes of factors within the scenario. By considering fewer and only basic factors at hand, the probability of making an accurate prediction, should be much less. Whereas the maximum intellect (without knowledge of all information), would distinguish all minor differentials within the scenario, for which it has knowledge of. It would calculate the effect of every specific factor, no matter how minor or how many factors. Taking into account how each specific detail influences the overall outcome, should allow the most accurate and therefore most probable prediction of the scenario.

Besides a relative maximum intellect, theoretically, there could also be an absolute maximum intellect. This intellect would need access to any and all information. It would need to know every specific detail about every aspect of any situation, down to individual molecules and particles. Besides knowing the state or condition of every particle, it would need to have the knowledge of the cause and effect of each particle, relative to every influence on that particle. This would be incredibly difficult and complicated, even within the context of a simple scenario, but for this intellect to be absolutely maximized, it would need to know every particle in the universe.

In order for an intellect to have access to that much information, it would seem the information would need to consist of almost as many particles as the universe itself. But if information about large groups of particles was condensed, then it should be theoretically possible for the information about the universe, to consist of a smaller mass, than the universe itself.

Information about details seem to be quite relevant, when it comes to maximum intellect. Whether its information about all particles within the universe, or just regarding the most relevant factors available, within context, the most specific details about cause and effect is prerequisite for a maximum intellect.

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