Tuesday 19 March 2019

Memory Priority

What effect does prioritizing memory have?

If someone conservatively and awarefully prioritizes memories, rather than allowing just any memories to be ranked for priority, naturally, would this cause a beneficial outcome?

The definition and comparison of “natural” vs “aware”, can be ambiguous. I’m basically referring to “awarefully” prioritizing memory, as consciously analysing the specific and relevant causes and effects. Whereas I’m referring to “naturally”, as a subconscious “reaction” with a less analysed or less actively considered understanding of detailed causes and effects regarding circumstances at hand.

What I mean by prioritizing memories, is considering experiences or information to be significant enough to be remembered more distinctly and easily. There are basically 2 methods (that I’m aware of) for information or experiences to be remembered more distinctly. 1 would be repetition, the other would be profound feedback linked with the memory.  

In the scenario of someone letting memories be prioritized naturally, the 1st method of memory, would cause memories to be prioritized simply by reoccuring circumstances in their life. A huge determining factor of this method, would be the individual's upbringing. Whatever fluke circumstances of life that someone happens to be born into, would cause repetition throughout their childhood. This repetition would then hypothetically cause a relevant degree of memory to be prioritized by whatever they were taught, and whatever actions they took repeatedly, as a child.

The 2nd method of naturally prioritized memory would hypothetically also be caused by fluke circumstances during their upbringing, but significantly influenced by emotional feedback to their circumstances. If the chemical and electrical function of emotion (potentially another sub-topic) is understood to be a feedback trigger linked to the memory of any given circumstance, then genetic and instinctual emotional subjection would be a huge factor in this 2nd method of memories being prioritized. If someone is born with a genetic disposition to be more profoundly influenced by emotional feedback in some way or another, then this should have a relevant impact on which memories are prioritized throughout their circumstantial upbringing. But fluke circumstances could also play a significant role in this methods influence (even without repetition). For eg, if someone has a traumatic experience as a child, such as being severely abused, then the natural emotional feedback would likely be profound fear of resembling factors to that circumstance.

In the scenario of someone awarefully and conservatively prioritizing memories, the 1st method of memory priority (being repetition), could hypothetically be altered and diverted to disregard unuseful repeated memories, and replace them with an intentional alternate repetition. By consciously analyzing effects of any given repeated action, someone can determine the degree of benefit of said effects. If an alternate memory (of experience or information), caused by repetition, is determined to be more preferable, the individual can intentionally cause repetition of that more beneficial memory of information or experience.

With the 2nd method being reinforcement triggers, someone could “awarefully” analyze specific details of any given circumstance, then determine more accurate effects, then cause more preferable feedback. Someone could consciously analyzes a situation, which would naturally seem insignificant, but comprehend detailed causes and effects which are actually important for a better resulting effect. After this comprehension, significant positive reinforcement can be linked with the circumstances (occuring by considering it relevant, and causing chemical positive reinforcement) which were understood in detail to be beneficial.

Or, in another case, of profound reinforcement being naturally triggered by a circumstance, conscious comprehension can determine the circumstances to not be so highly prioritized. With the eg. of trauma, awareful prioritization can allow a reduction of fear to factors resembling the scenario which caused the initial trauma. With distinguishment of differentials (as described here) within the traumatic situation, the individual can determine the specific details of that which caused the negative situation of trauma. Then, they can understand that factors which are resembling (but not precisely the same), would not cause the same negative traumatic situation to occur again. With this understanding comes a reduction of priority of those factors being negatively linked in memory, and therein reduction of fear of those resembling factors, which don’t actually cause the particular negative outcome.

As seems to be the tendency with most concepts, conscious “awareful” decisions seem to allow much more preferable and beneficial results, compared to “natural” or subconscious reactions. Consideration of prioritizing memories, is virtually understanding the details of preferable effects, and intentionally causing more of those preferable effects. For better results, consciously prioritize your memories!

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