What causes memory to be more conceptual or detailed?
By “conceptual or detailed memory”, I mean the degree of detail that memory focuses on and retains in the process of conscious thought. I’m specifically considering conscious thought for this topic, and excluding memory access which is exclusively subconscious thought, since by my understanding of conscious thought (as further “detailed in this post from 3 yrs ago; Conscious Comprehension) it involves the connection in memory, of method of interaction between factors, which allows comprehension of cause and effect. This method of memory access should be interesting to distinguish causes of differing degrees of detail of memory, as well as how that affects intelligence.
The degrees of detail could be generalized into 2 categories of memory, being: detailed or conceptual. Conscious thought and memory access seem to vary throughout a significant range between these 2 types, from exceptional memory of detail to effective memory of concept. Concepts are quite relevant when it comes to conscious thought, since a concept is virtually the relevant cause and effect of an interaction (as I further conceptualized in a post form 2.5 yrs ago; Carry the Concept). What makes it a concept is that the cause and effect is more generalized than any specific detailed example, and can be applicable to alternate details or factors (as I “generalized” the concept of, in a post soon after that last link; General Generalization).
The conceptual memory type would cause overall intelligence which is better able to carry useful concepts to new situations, resulting in what could be called Generalised Intelligence, as I covered in that post. The other type of memory focus, being detailed, would result in intelligence which is effective at recalling details in a more stable and simple environment where the same details will be common and repetitive (as I compared in a post from over 1 yr ago; General vs Memory Intelligence). That topic covers the common resulting effects of the 2 variances of intelligence which are respectively caused by the 2 types of memory focus.
For this topic, I want to attempt to distinguish why the human brain seems to generally function in the method of only 1 or the other memory focus types. If a brain has detailed focus, this must be caused by the neurons typically using the same neural pathways to lead to the same details. Since conscious thought involves neurological access of memory of multiple factors, as well as the interaction between factors, detailed memory will usually simply access the same neurological combination which represents memory of the same factors (and the conscious comprehension of how those factors interacted).
On the other hand, conceptual memory would be more likely to create varying neural pathways and combinations, which are required to save in memory how a concept, which is extracted from details, can apply to alternate details or factors. This neurological process creates more neural pathways from a specific conscious comprehension, to a generalized concept, which can then lead neural pathways to alternate factors that are applicable to that concept. This function of neural access is more varying, and less consistent to the exact same neural combinations involved in memory of specific detail. As conceptual memory saves a concept from any instance of conscious comprehension, the neural access in the future will tend to access the more generalized concept, rather than the specific detail.
This function of neural access can then cause the concept (rather than detail) to be accessed subconsciously, after repetition of access. As I described in a post from 1.5 yrs ago; Sub -Conscious Shift, when conscious memories are eventually accessed by the subconscious, this allows that sub-construct memory to be accessed in a larger macro neural combination. If conceptual memory is able to access a concept subconsciously, as only 1 component of a larger neural combination, the brain should be able to connect that concept to more varying factors and other concepts. Conceptual memory seems that it is likely caused by more adaptable neural pathways, which can allow connections to more varying factors and details that are applicable to any concept of cause and effect.
Assuming the brain has a capacity for relevant neural focus (as I further “focused” on in a post also from 1.5 yrs ago; Fundamental Focus), it seems rational that the brain would have the 2 general types of memory focus. This capacity for focus should be relatable from experience, if you’ve ever found it difficult to;
-focus on studying, while other aspects of life keep distracting you,
-trying to connect how various concepts relate to one another,
-trying to hold various thoughts or ideas in your mind at once,
-or trying to distinguish details of generalized concepts in order to make them more tangible (as has perhaps been happening to my mind in the last hour or more).
For neural combinations to be relevant and respective of memory of perception, the limit of access to combinations can either focus on details or concepts. Consciously comprehending these functions of the mind can be saved in memory as only detail of function, or as a concept which can potentially be useful and applicable to various circumstances throughout life. If the benefits are understood, then the process can be utilized for those benefits resulting from the comprehension of the concept of Conceptual Detailed Memory..