Monday 9 September 2019

Positive Reinforcement Perception Relativity

How can the perception of positivity or negativity be manipulated?

In my previous post; Positron, I attempted to explain that there seems to be no natural physical negatives, but rather lacks of positives, yet we do seem to have negative mental perception. Some negative perception is likely caused by a mental comparison to potential positives. This step of perception seems to allow adaptability for altering the final result of negativity, to a lesser degree, or perhaps to a contrarily positive result. The negative mental perception seems to stem from instinctual, neurochemical, negative reinforcement triggers, as I also further explained in a post from last yr; Formula For Feedback. If reinforcement triggers are only a physical reaction in the brain, programmed to cause us to repeat (positive), or to not repeat (negative), then what room does this leave for intentional mental alteration of these triggers causing the end result of mental positivity or negativity?

If indeed a scenario of experiencing mental negativity, is caused by the perception of a lack of positives, from comparing the current circumstances to potential positives, then perhaps a readjustment of comprehension can be made to overwrite that result of negativity. Rather than the individual comparing their current circumstances involving a lack of positives, to potential circumstances which involve more positives, they can refocus their comprehension toward the current positives. By focusing conscious awareness of the circumstances, on the present positives, this should eradicate the mis-perception of a lack of positives being a negative. Perhaps a perception of positive is relative, just like most (or all?) things in this world. 

For eg, Larry’s car just got totalled in an accident, and he is now perceiving his situation as negative. Perhaps he can readjust his comprehension, so that rather than comparing his circumstances to the potential positive of when he did have a car (perceiving the lack of positive, as a negative), he refocuses on positives. The positives could be unrelated to the past situation of losing the car, such as having a decent area to live, or friends or family. Or the positives could be related, such as the opportunity to get a new more efficient car, or to bike and get exercise, or take public transit and save on insurance costs. 

Since the result of feeling mental negativity or positivity, is caused by perception, via consciously-aware focus, manipulating that perception should be quite plausible to alter the resulting degree of negativity or positivity. Even in complex scenarios involved in modern day life, a lot of negative perception is caused by subconscious influence, which is the natural reaction method of your brain, using that instinctual negative reinforcement, to tell you to avoid those circumstances in the future. 

It seems that often in life, the negative reinforcement causes too much prolonged mental negative influence. This is likely what causes a lot of depression or over-emotional reactions to situations in life. These reinforcement triggers were developed to be beneficial for a simpler more natural life of perhaps our ancient ancestors, rather than the complexities involved in modern lifestyles or interactions with others of their own complicated minds. Conscious comprehension and awareness also likely causes the basic subconscious reinforcement to be triggered in countless complicated ways, which are not practically beneficial, by the development design of these triggers in our brains.

For eg, if I feel significant mental negative reinforcement because I was in love with a girl, and lost that opportunity, the negative reinforcement was perhaps originally developed as a natural instinctual trigger to cause a male to stay with a female, for more effective upbringing of offspring. But with complicated conscious awareness, I might focus too much on the present lack of positive, which I had before I lost that opportunity of love. The conscious mind can cause over-focus and dwell on those particular circumstances, by comparing those past positives, to the present lack of positives. But being aware of that concept, I should be able to redirect my conscious focus to alternate positives of the present. 

The upside, is that using the same conscious awareness that may accidentally cause unpreferable negative influence, we can hypothetically counteract the resulting influence. Intentionally altering perception is likely a difficult thing to do, with probable recurring strikes of the negative subconscious influence. But with persistent counterstrikes of conscious reevaluation and focus on the positives, once enough battles are won, the new perception of positivity should convert that subconscious influence to automatically be on the positive side.

Though mental negativity can often be caused by a comparison perspective of lacking positives, the incidentally involved conscious awareness, seems it can also be used for counteractive measures, by comprehending positives and reinforcement, from the perception of relativity. 

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