Monday 23 September 2019

Pass the Positive

How can a positive be passed to someone that it doesn’t affect directly, to add to their sum positive perception?

It seems that an individual's positive perception is generally mostly influenced by positive aspects which have a relatively noticeable effect on them directly. This would make sense based on the idea that all perception of negativity or positivity, is caused by instinctual reinforcement triggers, as I further tried to understand in a post from last yr; Formula For Feedback. But interpretation seems to allow a lot of adaptability for the resulting perception. As I tried to further explain in my last post; Past Positive, interpretation of aspects of life, is a step of comprehension and conscious awareness, which allows alteration (or potential mental self manipulation) of which factors in life are perceived as positive or negative. So how can someone use their interpretation of positive factors, to increase their resulting positive perception, even when those factors are external, and don’t seem to affect them directly?

External positive factors could be; knowledge of someone else being happy, or knowledge of a concept, development, or process which is beneficial in some way, yet has little to no effect on the individual themselves. Some examples could be; Frank knows that his friend who moved to another continent is now living a happy fulfilling life, yet he never gets to hang out any more. Or Beth learns that scientists just developed a method to cure a disease to help thousands of people, but she doesn’t have the disease herself or know anyone personally who does. Or John hears that a country on another continent developed and is implementing a new education system which projects it will improve that countries economy by 20%. 

These types of developments or concepts benefit others, but not the individual themselves. Since the basic instinctual positive reinforcement triggers don't seem to include factors which don't directly affect the individual, perceiving these types of concepts as positive, seems to be exceptionally difficult. Comprehension of complicated concepts is a step beyond the function of instinctual reinforcement triggers, as the affects of some concepts are removed from the individual, and therefore would not have been developed as a function for benefiting basic survival and reproduction. 

1 potential instinctual positive reinforcement, that might be plausibly indirectly triggerable by these concepts, could be; care for others of the same species and pack. Perhaps, as pack animals, if another member of the pack receives something beneficial, this would trigger some positive reinforcement, as it would still be beneficial for an individual's survival, if another pack member is healthy and strong, to add to the packs strength. Since there is varying degrees of reinforcement influence, it seems likely it would be minor positive influence compared to the individual receiving a benefit themselves. But some, is better than none.

If we have the mental ability to interpret concepts which benefit others, as a positive influence towards our own perception, this would give the allowance to potentially perceive a multitude of concepts as positive. This could increase personal sum positive perception, by utilizing the amazing adaptability and functionality of conscious comprehension. Simply being happy for others, allows concepts such as; societal or technological development, or knowledge of people being happy whom were close in relation, to positively influence the individual that is aware of the concepts. 

Considering the quantity of positive aspects affecting others in life, and the workability of interpretation, to use those positives, perceiving others positives, as your own, has the potential to be a significantly effective way to Pass the Positive. 

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