Wednesday 22 February 2017

IQ: Intelligence Questionability

            Attempt something new. Once it’s been practiced, and variables and aspects have been analyzed, positive and negative attributes are deducted and applied for next attempt. Each minor improvement is remembered from there on and continuously accumulated, to eventually filter out all negatives and have all most beneficial aspects remaining in the end. This describes both; slow, long term evolution, and fast, short term logic.

Evolution; meaning subconscious, instinctual, inherent (biologically, generationally adapted) actions. And, alternatively, logic; meaning conscious, current time analytical, adaptable consideration. Both can be understood as trial and error, or process of elimination. The general idea being; probability of beneficial results, which is portrayed fairly distinctly- as an example- by natural selection. Basically, if many options are attempted repeatedly, chances are, a beneficial option will be attempted at some point, and the positive outcome of that option will make it more likely to reoccur. Method of determinant with logic would be conscious reasoning, whereas each individual choice of option is analysed and processed, and therein more probable to be the beneficial one. This would increase the chances of the result of each trial being the one with a positive effect, rather than the chances being random, with natural selection.

Using the newly acquired, unique capability humans have been privileged with (whether you believe, as a result of Gods intention, or lack of Gods circumstantial fluke), Inherent mindsets are moved aside by logical unbiased methods of thinking as a reconstructed, initial perspective. Conscious thinking is a much more adaptable to current situation, fast-rate, time efficient method of analysing a situation and determining an effective course of action to effect the outcome of the situation.

 Therefore, conscious consideration has a distinct timely-efficient advantage from the capability of imagining theoretically the potential outcomes, rather than taking the time to play out and test each potential outcome. In turn, conscious consideration is evidently the most relevantly profound aspect of intelligence. Assuming that is correct, logic suggests, the most generally advantageous method of action, is; decision based on conscious consideration and determination.

Questioning seems to be the essence of intelligence as a rapid method of hypothetical scenario test. Using this advantage of conscious pondering, and in turn analysis of various options, upon confrontation of a required action, effective beneficial determination can be applied. Rather than acting based on regularity, commonality and or instinct with a lengthy process of trial and error, making a decision based on questioning and hypothetically analysing the potentials is likely to make that process of elimination far more efficient and effective.
Is intelligence questionability questioning intelligence, or the ability to intelligently question?

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