Wednesday 15 August 2018

Free Will, Alter & Falter

Is God to blame for innocent people being harmed?

If the innocent person is being harmed by another person, in order for God to alter the circumstances of the innocent being harmed, he would have to force the person doing the harming, to stop. If God forces someone to stop something, he is preventing free will. If the functional property of free will, is humans to have free choice, then God would not force any circumstances on people, with the intention of altering their choice. Therefore, if God wanted to allow full function of free will, he would not force someone to do something against their will, therefore he would not prevent the person from harming another person.

If God prevented everyone from harm, he would be constantly forcing everyone to make certain decisions and take certain actions, in order to prevent any harm from anyone. This contradicts the fundamental principle of free will. But if there was no free will, and God forced all decisions, what would be the point of creating intellectual human beings, with the capability of conscious comprehension? Forcing all actions of individuals, doesnt require incredibly complex organisms with billions of neurons, and vast influencing variables on the circumstances which occur throughout a lifespan. Instead, to fit that concept, it would be sufficient elements for God to use a universe consisting of only a 2D circle and a couple lines. God could then force the actions of that circle to bounce back and forth between the 2 lines.

A universe without free will, would look more like a slow game of pong, but God is playing against himself, and controls every movement of the circle.  

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