Monday 21 October 2019


How are various categories saved in memory?

A category is basically a label applied to an outlined maximum variance for attributes. The attributes can be for pretty much anything (object, substance, concepts etc), and the maximum variance would be the limit that any of the attributes can vary, while still being considered part of that category. 

The method that categories are saved and accessed as memory in the brain, seems like it would function similarly to the method for concepts. As I tried to understand in my last post; Concept Neural Combo, concepts seem to be a label applied to a maximum variance of interactions. As long as an interaction has the cause and effect relevant to the concept, it can be considered within the grouping of that label. Categories should be somewhat less complex than concepts, since they don't necessarily require comprehension of cause and effect. 

If categories are saved in a similar process of function, then it would likely be by method of; various combinations of neurons and synapses, each representing the sensory input recordings of an example of something that fits into the particular category. The neural combos for various examples, would be linked in memory with the short form reference label for that category. Any given label of category would be saved as a neural combo which is saved via sensory input of hearing or seeing that word. This neural combo would be linked with memories of various examples which fit that category. 

For eg, the category of “insect” would be a neural combo of memory for the label (of audio of hearing, and or visual of seeing the word), connected with neural combos of memory of seeing various insects. The maximum variance of attributes would be all the physical features required to fit our definition of “insect”. 

Even though each category label is linked with the various neural combos for examples within the category, the neural combos for all examples would likely not be accessed at the same time that the neural combo for the label is accessed. The various combos would be linked through neurons and synapses for potential to be accessed, but the specific combo of neurons would likely depend on various aspects of electrical flow and triggering. Just as when you think of a generalized word, and there is often no distinct memory for that word, the neural combo representing that word, would be an imprecise combo of neurons, and therefore create the perception of inaccurate recognition. But some examples which fit that word, are sometimes saved more precisely to cause more accurate memory recognition, if a particular memory is accessed. The way a memory of a particular example is accessed, is because of the connection of the neural combo for the word, allowing potential to trigger more precise combos representing examples. 

Labels of language seem to be quite significant for the advanced functions of memory access of our brains. Labels allow a short form reference within memory, for groupings of memories of things which fit a labelled category, and allow the potential to trigger the various memories of examples which are grouped, Categorically. 

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