Thursday 21 November 2019

Sub Ctrl Alt Conscious

Does your subconscious control and alter your conscious thoughts?

It seems like the subconscious mind controls conscious thoughts at least to some degree, since it is faster, and constantly active.

It seems likely that subconscious mind function is an ongoing process, which is the stem of where conscious thought begins. I explained more details of the function of the subconscious in a post from early this yr; Subconscious Subjection, and the function of consciousness; Conscious Comprehension. It seems that the subconscious is functioning constantly, since it seems to constantly cause reactions, without the individual being aware. Any subtle reaction which you take, without awarefully considering to do that action, would be the function of subconscious. At any moment, you are likely taking some subtle reaction, without being aware. Whether it’s stretching, adjusting your position for comfort, looking in the direction of a noise, or doing anything which has been built in to your subconscious as a habit, such as flicking the signal for changing lanes, the subconscious is always fast at work. Even learned muscle control, is likely caused by the subconscious, such as riding a bike, playing sports, or even walking up stairs. 

Besides times of the senses stimulating the subconscious, the mind seems to have constant neural access to various memories, any time that a person is awake. At any point of a lack of sensory stimulation to prioritize neural access, the brain seems to revert to accessing various neurons of subconscious memory, which is too vague and indistinct to be consciously aware of. The priority for neurons to be accessed would likely be caused by either ongoing emotion at the time, or ease of neural pathways reinforced by repeated use of that pathway. At these times of lack of conscious thought, and lack of significant sensory stimulus, whatever is prioritized by the subconscious, would likely be the cause of the next conscious thought of more detailed information.

The subconscious is also faster than conscious thought, since it functions by accessing less sequences of memories than conscious thought, and is more effective for quick reactions. Therefore, any new thoughts that come to the conscious mind, were likely already processed by the subconscious. If the subconscious has constant neural activity being triggered by all the senses, and works faster than conscious thought, any time that something in your environment triggers a thought, the subconscious would be the first to process it, before triggering any conscious thought. It seems that during the process of subconscious activity of accessing neurons (representing memories), some of those memories are prioritized, and accessed in more detail, to cause focused conscious thought. Whether the neurons used for conscious thought are the same as used for the subconscious, or another section of the brain is triggered for conscious thought, may be another question. Regardless, the neural content which is focused on, is likely often prioritized based on subconscious positive or negative feedback connected to those memories. 

Once conscious thought has been initially triggered, it seems that it is mostly out of control of the subconscious (considering the definition of subconscious, includes lack of conscious awareness). The mechanisms of positive and negative feedback prioritizing which memories to be accessed, could be involved in both subconscious and conscious mind function, but at the time of continued conscious thought, it seems that the more focused and detailed neural combos (and connections between them) which are being accessed, are no longer controlled by the subconscious. This would be at times when the mind is making active conscious connections between memories, through the process of thinking about cause and effect, or interactions of various factors or concepts. Once that specific active train of thought finishes, control is likely given back to the subconscious to activate the next conscious thought.

The subconscious seems to have significant control to alter and steer the direction of the start of the next conscious thought. It may lose control once an active train of thought is occurring, but the number of times throughout any given day, where the steering wheel is given back to the subconscious, seems it would have a profound effect, to Sub-Control & Alter Consciousness. 

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