Sunday 7 May 2017

Live in Fear, Live in Mere

When space in life is occupied by fear, that life is often settled for, at a level of mere. Fear isn’t always upfront obvious, but sometimes inconspicuously blended in while holding things back. That hesitation to try something new, that reluctance to go for a venturous life experience, that worry that people will think you’re weird for not sticking with the usual, is most likely the same culprit discretely convincing you to avoid any irregular scenarios and avoid anything resembling change. That’s of course, fear trying to keep you firmly in your comfort zone. That fear is most often an unnecessary product of your subconscious to keep you in an overly cautious safety bubble. On the rare occasion, it can be useful in a survival situation. But being out of its habitat in 95% of modern day life, fear oversteps its boundaries of relevant application, often holding back a significant amount of potentiality. The good thing is, there’s a recent development which is counter-active to the restraints of fear, when used effectively; your mind.

Being mindful and conscious of irrational fear is a simple, yet significantly relevant part of overpowering it. Personally; after testing and challenging my irrational subconscious anxieties (and believe me, the amount wasn’t mere), I come to the overwhelming result and confirmation that; living in fear, will leave you living in mere –degrees of satisfaction. After living through a fairly profound degree of transference, from significant social anxiety –to now facing (and reducing) that irrational fear weekly, and intentionally challenging it, in an environment suitable to me –in order to manipulate my subconscious gradually- -(and there marks an interesting dashed section proceeding a dash, then this extra dash -of course- to exemplify my point). Oh, and I guess also marks this sort of indistinct (yet notable) point in my life, where I’ve made a beneficial change and am grasping it all, too..-.

So, that irrational fear you are facing in life –yes! That at least one –maybe multiple- you just thought of- can be overcome, and not so difficultly either, simply by facing it and registering the relevant benefits of doing so (or conscious conditioning as I’ve come to understand it). Take it from my relevant personal experience, as well as my comprehension and understanding that; to live in fear, is to live in mere.

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