Monday 12 November 2018

Potential Functional Consciousness of God

If God is a consciousness of this universe, does his consciousness function scientifically similar to a human brain?

As my best understanding of consciousness, I’ll assume that consciousness of a human brain functions by means of; memory access of a factor and memory access of the relative interaction of that factor, simultaneously. Basically, consciousness is thinking about how something works, or is affected by other things, at the same time of thinking about the thing itself. If this is the case, how could God’s consciousness function similarly?

For a human, the physical requirements for the function of consciousness seem to be the brain, to acquire information, store it as memory, then access that information. But as the seeming cause of consciousness only involves accessing the information, regardless of how the information was acquired, the basic minimum requirement would be a process of accessing information. As long there is some function of accessing info which is relative, consciousness should be plausible. If a human accesses memory information of cause and effect of factors in their surroundings, they can cause an alteration to the circumstances of the factors, to have a preferred outcome.

For God to have a similarly functioning consciousness, it seems he would need access to relative information about the universe. Since, to be conscious, information about any given factor and the interaction of cause and effect of that factor must be accessed, God would need access to information of any particles within the universe which are relevant to any changes he may make, based on his conscious awareness.

But timing is not so important as it may seem, for consciousness and change to particles. The info about the particles wouldn’t necessarily need to be at the time of the circumstances, which are consciously and intentionally being altered. If the info about the particles was accessed in the past, and the effect of the particles was altered the past, it would still have the same effect. As long as every interaction of all relevant particles is known from the past point of consciousness and alteration, up to the time of occurrence, the alteration could be made at any point in the past (including the beginning of the universe). Time is only an additional factor of information about how particles interact, which needs to be known. If completely accurate information is known about all future interactions, time is not relevant.

It seems that potentially, God could have been consciously aware of the cause and effect interaction of all particles in the universe (which are relevant to that which he alters), at the beginning of the universe, and could have made intentional alterations to the particles, at that point, which would then cause his will at any time in the future.

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