Saturday 15 February 2020

Distinguishment of Divinity

What elements distinguish God?

This is my opinionated description of the outlines of Gods overall functions. To sum it up into 1 word, I might say purpose. God is the purpose that we exist, and purpose or continued existence. Without a purpose for us to exist, it seems likely we would not. 

Scientifically, there are a lot of circumstances required to cause humans to exist. I say humans, because from current knowledge, it seems like humans are the most significantly unique and complex things in the universe. Mainly because of our brains and the resulting concept of consciousness. If you’re now questioning (as is common) what consciousness actually is, in order for me to assume it is so significant, in my opinion, a precisely defined explanation is not necessary, to know that the general idea of conscious awareness which we experience, is significant. But I have a defined explanation of its function anyway, in a post from almost 2 yrs ago; Conscious Comprehension

The circumstances involved to allow humans to exist with consciousness, seem to be too precise to be a fluke. I described more of my reasoning for this, in a related post from 3+ yrs ago; Law of Physics or God. A common scientific theory to explain why our universe happened to be chanced with such applicable laws of physics, is the Multiverse Theory. But perhaps this only extends the requirement for particular circumstances, to requiring the circumstances for infinite universes to even exist. Besides the scientific reasons that consciousness is significant, from the perspective of a God believer, its significant as the concept which allows free will. So 1 element of God, is purposefully causing the circumstances required for a species to exist in the 1st place, with free will. 

Once humans began on Earth, the next element of God could be aid. It's usually believed by any theist, that God aids humans through guidance, individually, and as a whole, as well as aids us physically or practically, in some situations. By my beliefs, the method that God guides individuals, varies from person to person, depending on their typical method of thinking or reacting (as I further described in a post from 6 days ago; Method of Guidance). Guiding humanity as a whole, would be more along the lines of major events, which God causes, such as Jesus, and everything in the Bible. Practical aid would be circumstances occurring which help someone to accomplish a task, or recieve something, or improve healthwise. By my belief, circumstances of God providing aid are much more common (and perhaps even exclusive) with the will of someone, for God to cause it. Distinguishing this as an overall element of God, would be because, without a God, none of those circumstances would have happened. Recognizing specific circumstances caused by God, can be very difficult, and maybe unfalsifiable (assuming God does not break the laws of physics), but perhaps general tendencies of occurrences can be noticed, which might be the concept of faith.

It seems Gods overall functions can basically be summarized into 2 elements of purpose; allowance of free will, and aid. Considering the incredible significance of human consciousness, causing all the required circumstances of the universe, to result in free will, would be Gods 1st step. Aiding people throughout history, with guidance and practicality, would be the 2nd continued concept involved, in the; Distinguishment of Divinity. 

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