Thursday 13 February 2020

Tree of Knowledge

What effects in this world were caused by humans eating from the tree of knowledge?

If you believe the Bible, you would likely agree that the tree of knowledge was a significant part of the beginning of humanity. It's a common understanding that God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree, but they did anyway, gaining some type of knowledge. Assuming the knowledge they gained was awareness and virtually consciousness, if they had not eaten from the tree, does that mean humanity never would have gained consciousness? And why would there even be a tree with the resulting effects of disobedience being gained consciousness? If the concept was a test of choice for Adam and Eve, God could have had much simpler resulting effects, but still consequences.

It seems likely that consciousness and free will are a profound part of this world, which is not fundamentally a bad thing, and potentially a component of the purpose of life, so it seems plausible that we were meant to eat from the tree, at some point. There are theories that we were meant to eat from the tree, but not at that time. This seems plausible that humanity was not yet ready to gain awareness, and that if Adam and Eve had obeyed God, we still would have gained consciousness at a later time. Perhaps Adam and Eve eating too early, was like a child disobeying their parents, and the results were the child moving out to live on their own, having too much power and responsibility, before being competent, and mentally capable of functioning appropriately and independently. 

If this was the case, humanity would likely grow and develop as a species with the power of knowledge and comprehension, before having the adequate mentality to use it. Humans would go about the Earth recklessly, causing many effects of difficulty and problems for people and the environment. This sounds notably familiar and similar to the history of humanity. 

With conscious awareness, comes the ability to interact with others using complex intentions. The capability to manipulate others or situations, with foresight and planning, comes from comprehension of cause and effect, and consciousness of indirect and long term effects. Awareness of mind, allows potential to be more caring and helpful, but also the potential to intentionally hurt others more. This is 1 element of the power of awareness, which can be abused, if in the wrong hands.

Also, with understanding of knowledge, comes more physical power, through use of tools and development of technology. More physical power increases severity of resulting effects of actions, whether the effects are intentional, or a side-effect. This increase of severity, increases risk of damage being done by any individual, towards others or towards the natural environment. 

With the amount of negative effects and harm often caused in this world, it seems like we dont have sufficient capability to use the power of consciousness, as I further hypothesized in a post from 10 months ago; Update Pending: Subconsciousness. If humanities consciousness had begun in a more timely manner, with more appropriate development of controlled understanding, it seems likely we would have a much more effective grasp over this power. Without proper training and adaptation that God could have provided, humans seem to have overstepped our capabilities, as a result of choosing to eat from The; Tree of Knowledge. 

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